Matt Bishop

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Department of Computer Science University of California, Davis One Shields Ave. Davis, CA 95616-8562 United States of America
Office: 2209 Watershed Sciences
Office Co-ordinates: |
I am a professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of California at Davis. I am one of the co-directors of the Computer Security Laboratory here. I’m also the faculty advisor to the UC Davis Cyber Security Club. The picture above is me in the dining hall of the Cumberland Lodge at Great Windsor Park in the United Kingdom during the New Security Paradigms Workshop in 2018, of which I was the chairperson.
I do research in computer security. Currently, my interests seem to focus on election processes, data sanitization, and the insider problem. I also like teaching.
A second edition of my book Computer Security: Art and Science was published in November 2018. Another version of the first edition, Introduction to Computer Security, was published in 2004, again by Addison-Wesley Professional. Check them out and see which you prefer.
Graduate Admissions. Click here for information on being admitted to do graduate work in information assurance or computer security, including a link to the on-line application. Please do not write me asking about your chances of getting in, or if I will admit you. I get too many such letters to answer them, and my answers are the same for everyone: I don’t know, and I do not have the authority to, respectively.