Paper: Back to School

- D. Frincke and M. Bishop, “Back to School,” IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine 2(4) pp. 54–56 (July 2004).
Bibliographic Information
As summer draws to an end, faculty and students turn their attention to academic planning. This used to be a very tough task—faculty developed most of their materials from scratch. Now, rather than a handful of items to draw on when planning a security and privacy course, there is a plethora of sample syllabi, textbooks, and other supportive materials. The question is: where are they? For all the busy academics out there readying their courses, and the students who are about to join you, we have written the article, with help from the Centers of Excellence in Information Assurance Education, in the hope that it will make your preparations a trifle less hectic.Copyright Notice
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The definitive version was published in IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine 2(4), July 2004.