Achieving Learning Objectives through E-Voting Case Studies

- M. Bishop and D. Frincke, “Achieving Learning Objectives through E-Voting Case Studies,” IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine 5(1) pp. 53–56 (Jan. 2007).
Bibliographic Information
The use of electronic voting machines includes a wide range of security considerations that educators can use to highlight threat models, requirements, and trade-offs involving e-voting in the context of ongoing international discussions and current events. This article presents an informal case study to achieve five learning outcomes for students in a typical college (or even high school) classroom: understanding how to write a security specification; learning about different forms of security policies; understanding confidentiality, privacy, and information flow; recognizing the importance of considering usability from a security perspective; and identifying assurance’s role in establishing confidence in results.Copyright Notice
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The definitive version was published in IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine 5(1), Jan. 2007.