Teaching Secure Coding—Report from Summit on Education in Secure Software

B. Taylor, M. Bishop, D. Burley, S. Cooper, R. Dodge, and R. Seacord, “Teaching Secure Coding—Report from Summit on Education in Secure Software,” Proceedings of the 43rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education pp. 581–582 (Feb. 2012).
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Software is critical to life in the 21st century. It drives financial, medical, and government computer systems as well as systems that provide critical infrastructures in areas such as transportation, energy, networking, and telecommunications. As the number and severity of attacks that exploit software vulnerabilities increase, writing reliable, robust, and secure programs will substantially improve the ability of systems and infrastructure to resist such attacks. Education plays a critical role in addressing cybersecurity challenges of the future, such as designing curricula that integrate principles and practices of secure programming into educational programs. To help guide this process, the National Science Foundation Directorates of Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) and Education and Human Resources (EHR) jointly sponsored the Summit on Education in Secure Software (SESS), held in Washington, DC in October, 2010. The goal of this session is to share some of the key findings and challenges identified by the summit and to actively engage the community in the discussions. Each of the speakers participated in the summit and brings a unique viewpoint to the session.
Bibliographic Information: [BibTeX]
DOI: 10.1145/2157136.2157304