# Monte Carlo method of computing pi # Toss darts at a dart board (2x2, centered at (0,0) # The ratio of the darts in the unit circle to all darts is pi/4 # (see problem 10, chapter 9 of book) # ECS 10, May 11, 2009 # Matt Bishop import random import math # Generate a landing position for a dart tossed at # a 2x2 square with center at (0,0) # returns: (x, y) co-ordinates of toss def gentoss(): x = 2*random.random() - 1 y = 2*random.random() - 1 return x, y # if x^2 + y^2 <= 1, they are in the unit circle def inunitcircle(x, y): return x ** 2 + y ** 2 <= 1 # function to read and vet user selection # returns: n, the number of tosses # NOTE: n must be positive; return -1 to quit def getinput(): # loop until we get good input while True: try: # get the input and check the type here n = input("Enter the number of tosses: ") n += 0; except EOFError: # user wants to quit, so help her n = -1 break # oops! let error check below do the work # so set v to something illegal (not 0-3) except (SyntaxError, NameError, TypeError): n = -1 # now check the value we read/were given if n > 0: break # this is bad, so say so print "You have to enter a positive number" # it's non-negative to continue, -1 to quit return n # main routine: pull it all together def main(): # get number of tosses n = getinput() if n > 0: # number of darts in unit circle # nothing thrown yet h = 0 # now start throwing for i in range(n): # toss x, y = gentoss() # is it in the circle? if inunitcircle(x, y): h += 1 # done! see how well you did ... print "approximation:", 4.0 * h / n, "actual", math.pi main()