Outline for March 9, 2012

  1. Recursion review
  2. Example: binary search [rbinsearch.py]
    1. Base case: high < low, return failure; word == list[mid], return mid
    2. Recursive part: if word < list[mid], search interval 0 ... mid-1; if word > list[mid], search interval mid+1 ... high
  3. Example: Tower of Hanoi [hanoi.py]
    1. The story
    2. Base case: 1 disk, just move it
    3. Recursive part: move n−1 disks to second pole, move bottom disk to third, move disks on second pole to third
    4. Show stack for 3 disks
  4. Example: reverse string [reverse.py]
    1. Base case: empty string
    2. Recursive part: reverse(s): reverse(s[1:]) + s[0]

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ECS 10, Basic Concepts of Computing
Winter Quarter 2012