Associativity of C Operators This table, or one similar to it, can be found in almost every book on C. It's worth keeping this with you as you pro- gram, because some of the precedences are not what you might expect: precedence class operators associativity highest primary () [] -> . left to right unary ~ ++ -- ! (type) sizeof & (address) * (pointer) + (positive sign) - (negative sign) right to left multiplicative * / % left to right additive + - left to right shift << >> left to right relational < <= => > left to right equality == != left to right bitwise and & left to right bitwise exclusive or ^ left to right bitwise or | left to right logical and && left to right logical or || left to right conditional ? : right to left assignment = += -= *= /= %= &= ^= |= <<= >>= right to left lowest comma , left to right