Homework 5
Due Date: Friday, June 7, 2002, at 11:59PM;
no late assignments accepted
Points: 100
UNIX System
(10 points) I want to make the file libprog.a in my home
directory available to everyone so they can copy it, but I do not want anyone to
be able to see any other files in my home directory. How should I set the "other"
bits of my directory's protection mask to do this?
(10 points) What command would you use to remove columns from a file??
C Programming
(50 points) Write a program called fileinfo that prints the
following information about the files named on the command line:
file name
device inode number resides on
file inode number
file type; if symbolic link, name of file the link points to
owner (as both login name if known and UID)
group (as both group name if known and GID)
owner rights (as "read", "write", "execute")
group rights (as "read", "write", "execute")
world rights (as "read", "write", "execute")
other sttributes ("setuid", "setgid", "sticky")
size in bytes
size in blocks (1 block = 1024 bytes; any leftover bytes counts as 1 block)
time of last access (in human-readable form)
time of last modification (in human-readable form)
time of inode creation (st_ctime; in human-readable form)
Look at the manual page for stat(2) to see how to get this information.
Use ctime(3) to convert the dates from internal to human-readable form;
use readlink(2) to figure out to which file a symbolic link points
(30 points) Consider an array of characters.
Let bits 0-7 be the bits of array element 0, bits 8-15 the bits of array element 1,
and so forth. The bits for each character are numbered high-to-low, so the character
"e" (hexadecimal 65) has bit 7 set to 0, bit 6 set to 1, bit 5 set to 1,
bit 4 set to 0, bit 3 set to 0, bit 2 set to 1, bit 1 set to 0, and bit 0 set to 1.
Write C preprocessor macros to do the following:
- Set the nth bit of char array buf to val:
SET_BIT(buf, n, val)
- Get the value of the nth bit of char array buf:
GET_BIT(buf, n)
Extra Credit
(10 points) Modify the program you wrote in problem 3
to take an argument, -L. If this argument is given and the file is a smbolic link,
print information about the file named by the symbolic link.