Topics and Class Schedule for ECS 30, Fall 2015


This is a list of topics we will cover, and the corresponding sections of the book. Sometimes we will cover more than one topic in a class; other topics will take more than one class period.

  1. UNIX file system, environment, processes
  2. Compiling and running a C program, simple Makefiles (text, §2.7)
  3. Structure of a C program (text, §1, 2.1, 2,3, 2.4)
  4. Datatypes, variable names (text, §2.2)
  5. Arithmetic operators; order of precedence vs. order of evaluation; associativity (text, §2.5)
  6. Basic I/O: reading and writing , formatted outputs, #include commands (text, §2.6)
  7. Static debugging
  8. Arrays 1: arrays for storing strings; introduction to for loops (text, §7.1, 7.2, 7.3)
  9. Program design: top-down (text, §3.1, 3.2, 3.3)
  10. Functions 1: with, without parameters; how they return things; call stack (text, §3.4, 3.5)
  11. Macros, with and without arguments, introduction to C preprocessor (text, §2.1, 12.8)
  12. Flow of control: if, if … else, switch (text, §4)
  13. Flow of control: for, while, do … while (text, §5)
  14. Pointers and indirection (text, §6.1)
  15. Dynamic debugging
  16. Functions 2: returning values via parameters (text, §6.2–6.6)
  17. Arrays 2: arrays, strings, and pointers (text, §7.4–7.9)
  18. Strings and string functions (text, §8)
  19. Recursion (text, §9)
  20. Derived types: struct, union, enum, typedef (text, §10)
  21. Allocation, deallocation; linked lists, stacks, other data structures (text, §13)
  22. Bit operations and management (text, §C)
  23. C preprocessor: conditional compilation, error messages (text, §12)
  24. File I/O: fopen, fclose, fread, fwrite, fgets, others (text, §11)
  25. Shell scripts and bottom-up design
  26. Other useful libraries
  27. System calls


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