Lecture 14 Outline (October 26, 2015)

Reading: text, §8.5–8.9

  1. Greetings and felicitations!
    1. Extra credit problem posted; due November 2
    2. General Rule: Read the “All About Homework” handout!
    3. For the Linux questions, you must submit a file called “Linux.txt” (if you put your answers in a text file) or “Linux.pdf” (if you use a word processor; in this case, do not submit the word processor file, but instead save the file as PDF). In homework 1, we received “.doc”, “.rtf”, and “.pages” files. We graded them this time. We will not do so from here on! Also, do not save a “.rtf” file as a “.txt” file; if the “.txt” file is garbled (with binary data or RTF commands) we will not grade it. And do not submit images unless you identify in the text or PDF file exactly what those files are.
    4. For the C Programming Language questions, name your files correctly If you do the MyProgrammingLab questions, submit the file “MyProgLab.txt” or “MyProgLab.pdf” (it can contain anything; we will not look in the file). If you do the book questions, name the file “CPL.txt” (if you put your answers in a text file) or “CPL.pdf” (if you use a word processor; in this case, do not submit the word processor file, but instead save the file as PDF
    5. For the Programming part, name your files correctly, as otherwise Gradebot will not work (you’ll get a message like “no rule to make targer”). Also, when you submit them, submit them as the source file (or files) ending in “.c” or “.h”, as appropriate. Do not submit a text file, a PDF file, or a screenshot!
  2. String library functions
    1. String tokenization: strtok(src, delim); program strtok.c
  3. Arrays of strings
    1. int main(int argc, char *argv[]) (same as int main(int argc, char **argv))
    2. Example programs: echo.c, echo2.c
    3. Modify printfile2.c to get file names from command line (printfile3.c)

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