Lecture 20 Outline (November 9, 2015)

Reading: text, §9, 10

  1. Greetings and felicitations!
    1. There is apparently a rumor going around that you will be penalized if you do not do the extra credit. This is absolutely untrue; not doing extra credit cannot hurt you as it is not part of your final grade; it is only used if you are on a borderline! If you hear this, please correct the person you heard it from. You can point them to the handout General Information in the Class Information folder under Resources on SmartSite.
    2. If you used any email address other than your UC Davis one to sign up for MyProgrammingLab and/or Gradebot, please send me email with those addresses and your UC Davis email address, so I can give you credit for that work!

  2. How to write a recursive program
    1. Recursive sort (sort.c)

  3. Dynamic memory allocation
    1. Library functions malloc, realloc
    2. Example: change sort.c to handle any number of numbers (usort1.c)

  4. Structures
    1. User-defined datatype
    2. As fields: var.field

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