/* * strings.c -- show various important string functions * * Matt Bishop, ECS 36A * * April 30, 2024 * -- original program */ #include #include /* * macro */ /* pause until newline typed */ #define PAUSE { printf("\nType ENTER to proceed >"); (void) getchar(); putchar('\n'); } #define MAXLEN 1024 /* length of arrays */ /* * tis should be in string.h like the manual says, but apparently it isn't * so we do it here to shut the compiler up */ char *strdup(char *); /* * the program */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char buf1[MAXLEN], buf2[MAXLEN], buf3[MAXLEN]; /* used to hold variations on strings */ char *av; /* pointer to argv[1] (for convenience) */ int i; /* used as temp storage for integer */ char *n; /* used as temp storage for char pointer */ /* check there is 1 argument only */ if (argc != 2){ fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s string\n", argv[0]); return(1); } av = argv[1]; /* strlen */ printf("Length of argument '%s': %ld\n", av, strlen(av)); PAUSE; /* strcpy, strncpy */ printf("Copying the string: strcpy(buf, \"%s\")\n", av); strcpy(buf1, av); printf("\targument '%s', copy '%s'\n", av, buf1); printf("Copying 1000 chars of the string: strncpy(buf, \"%s\", 1000)\n", av); strcpy(buf2, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); strncpy(buf2, av, 1000); printf("\targument '%s', copy '%s'\n", av, buf2); printf("Copying 2 chars of the string: strncpy(buf, \"%s\", 2)\n", av); strcpy(buf3, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); strncpy(buf3, av, 3); printf("\targument '%s', copy '%s'\n", av, buf3); PAUSE; /* strcat, strncat */ printf("Concatening 2 copies of argument: strcat(buf1, \"%s\")\n", av); strcat(buf1, av); printf("\targument '%s', copy '%s'\n", av, buf1); printf("Appending 1000 chars of the string: strncat(buf, \"%s\", 1000)\n", av); strcpy(buf2, av); strncat(buf2, av, 1000); printf("\targument '%s', copy '%s'\n", av, buf2); printf("Appending 2 chars of the string: strncat(buf, \"%s\", 2)\n", av); strcpy(buf3, av); strncat(buf3, av, 3); printf("\targument '%s', copy '%s'\n", av, buf3); PAUSE; /* strcmp, strncmp */ printf("Compare string 'gleep' with argument: "); if ((i = strcmp("gleep", av)) > 0) printf("'gleep' comes before '%s'\n", av); else if (i == 0) printf("'gleep' is the same as '%s'\n", av); else if (i < 0) printf("'gleep' comes after '%s;\n", av); printf("Compare the first 3 chars of string 'gleep' with argument:\n"); if ((i = strncmp("gleep", av, 3)) > 0) printf("\t'gleep' comes before '%s'\n", av); else if (i == 0) printf("\t'gleep' is the same as '%s'\n", av); else if (i < 0) printf("\t'gleep' comes after '%s;\n", av); PAUSE; /* strchr, strrchr */ if ((n = strchr(av, 'h')) == NULL) printf("'h' does not appear in '%s'\n", av); else printf("The chars after the first 'h' are '%s'\n", n); if ((n = strrchr(av, 'h')) == NULL) printf("'h' does not appear in '%s'\n", av); else printf("The chars after the last 'h' are '%s'\n", n); PAUSE; /* strstr */ if ((n = strstr(av, "hello")) == NULL) printf("The string 'hello' doesn't appear in the argument\n"); else printf("The chars after the string 'hello' are '%s'\n", n); PAUSE; /* strtok */ printf("break things 'a/bbb///cc;xxx:yyy' up\n"); printf("token separators are ':;' and '/'\n"); printf("first time through, we give strtok the string\n"); strcpy(buf1, "a/bbb///cc;xxx:yyy"); n = strtok(buf1, ":;/"); if (n == NULL) printf("Tokens :;/ are not in the string\n"); else{ i = 1; printf("Token %d: '%s'\n", i++, n); while((n = strtok(NULL, ":;/")) != NULL) printf("Token %d: '%s'\n", i++, n); } PAUSE; /* strdup */ if ((n = strdup(av)) != NULL) printf("A duplicate of %s is %s\n", av, n); else printf("Tried to duplicate %s but ran out of room\n", av); /* all done */ return(0); }