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H =!Paragraph ForPAmat }HHA0 HH  =WaHeading Level }HA2 H  =Wa Comments }HA4 H >W aTitle }HHA6 HH  >Wa }HA8 H  >Wa }KH A: KH  ?Wa Heading1 }HKH A< HKH  ?Wa }KH A> KH  ?Wa }WH A@ WH  @Wa Heading2 }HWH AB HWH  @W a }WH AD WH  @W a }cH AF cH  AW a }HcH AH HcH  AW a }cH AJ cH  AW a d=88 HH= HH8 ܁܁ ( 10 points ) In MINIX, why is the CHROOT system call limited to the super-user? ( Hint : think about protection P큩@%problems.) (Tanenbaum, problem 1.14) }?H @> #?H @;Wa Replace With }H @>"$H @;WaHead }H A>#%H @;Wa Comments }? A>$&? @BWa }?H A>%'?H @BW a }H A>&(H @BW!a }H A>')H @BW"a }d A >(.d @CW#aCharacter Macros HH;"HH❝+G ܁e HH;$3HH**靕l}?d A >?d @CW$a }?d A>?d @CW%a }? A>)/? @DW&a Macro Name }?H A>.0?H @DW'a Replace With }H A>/1H @DW(a Comments }? A>0<? @EW)a HUV ;.HUV ❝3G܁e HUV ;05+HUV 22靕l H$ ;1H$ 5G܁e H$ ;33H$ 44靕l HH;4HHǣ++LL7J ` Homework 1 M܁`4Due Date : April 15, 1999 Points : 100 LN`Short-Answer Questions  ܁]`\These can be answered in a sentence or two, and are intended to reinforce important points. i`R( 3 points ) What is  multiprogramming ? (Tanenbaum, problem 1.2) `w( 6 points ) Name the layers of the THE operating system, and  briefly  describe the function of each. 0`r( 4 points ) Why was time-sharing not widespread on second generation computers? (Tanenbaum, problem 1.5) 2`Long-Answer Questions 3 ܁ sThese questions require some thought and longer answers than the short-answer questions. They are intended to have @`you use the concepts discussed in class, to be sure you understand them and can work with them. !4 {( 14 points ) Protecting the resident monitor is crucial to a correctly operating computer system. Providing this lprotection is the reason behind multiple mode operation, memory protection, and the timer. To allow maximum pflexibility, however, we would also like to place minimal constraints upon the user. The following is a list of @uoperations which are normally protected. What is the  minimal  set of instructions which must be protected? 5`Change to user mode. 6`Change to monitor mode. 7`Read from monitor memory. 8`Write into monitor memory. 1`'Instruction fetch from monitor memory. :`Turn on timer interrupt. ;`Turn off timer interrupt. 3< [ y( 15 points ) Some early computers protected their operating systems against destruction by placing it in memory plocations from which all programs (including the operating system itself) could read, but into which no program @>could write. What problem does this protection scheme create? != z( 20 points ) Three conventions for communicating the arguments of a service call to the kernel are to place them son a stack, in registers, or right after the call. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these three strate@gies? !9 }( 18 points ) The classical batch processing system completely ignores the cost of increased waiting time for users. CConsider a single batch characterized by the following parameters: "M average mounting time %T average service time per job N number of jobs #S unit price of service time ,W unit price of waiting time per user  oShow that the optimal batch size minimizing the cost of service time and waiting time per user within a single  Q Hbatch is . F܁&M x( 20 points ) In the example of virtual machines, with a compiler above an operating system above two levels of 02Msvirtualizing kernel, how many privileged instructions would be executed at each level if the instruction executed @aby the compiler can be emulated without use of privileged instructions by the operating system? HW` Extra Credit I ܁gM }( 5 points ) In class I used CPU utilization to illustrate how successive generations made more effective use of the psMmcomputer. How meaningful is the CPU utilization to the users? What other question (or questions) would users @like to know the answer to? HH;6HH866 靕lHH= HH7!! 靕ld>GM EGxR>EGxREPwEPw TableFootnote}?H A>1=?H @EW*a }H A><H @EW+a dA??dA >d@@ 靕l dA!>dR=?RUX[^adgjmpsvy| %).1H$ >:IH$ HH靕l H$ >:H$ GW>܁܁l5April 6, 1999ECS 150 Spring 1999Page 2 HUV >:GMHUV JJ靕l HUV >:HUV ❝IW?܁܁l@Last modified at 11:24 pm on Thursday, April 1, 1999 ĝE1>LĝE1ĝE1'tequal[indexes[0,1,char[N],times[char[o],char[p],char[t]]],sqrt[over[times[char[M],char[S]],times[char[T],char[W]]]]]{SD¿Gݣ1> QKK6HH>:IHHNN 靕l HH>:HH❝MW@ ܁܁e dLeftd:Rightd ReferenceddHTMLd>HTMLd Headingsd Ŀ@@ QMapping Table Title. Ŀ@@ QBody.  f@PRTitleBody. f@ R  Body. Ŀ@@ QFooter. f@T Q TableTitleT:Table : . f@E R   Numbered1.\tNumbered. f@ R   Numbered.\t. f@ R  . ?. 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