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A>0<? @EW)a HUV ;.HUV ❝3G܁e HUV ;05+HUV 22靕l H$ ;1H$ 5G܁e H$ ;33H$ 44靕l HH;4HH|..7J ` Homework 3 M܁`2Due Date : May 18, 1999 Points : 100 LN`Short-Answer Questions  ܁]`\These can be answered in a sentence or two, and are intended to reinforce important points. i`i( 4 points ) Describe the differences between short term, medium term, and long term scheduling. `g( 3 points ) State the difference between preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling algorithms. `M( 3 points ) What is device independence? (Tanenbaum, problem 3-7) 2`Long-Answer Questions . ܁ sThese questions require some thought and longer answers than the short-answer questions. They are intended to have @`you use the concepts discussed in class, to be sure you understand them and can work with them. 0`C( 30 points ) Consider the following process arrival list: 8`$job namearrival timeservice time H`A010 K`B21 N`C32 O`D77 P`E85 !Q oFor each process, give the time(s) that the process acquires the CPU, relinquishes the CPU, and the turnaround @dtime, the waiting time, and the response ratio for each of the following job scheduling algorithms: R`First Come, First Serve S`Shortest Job Next T`Shortest Remaining Time Next U`Highest Response Ratio Next V` Round Robin with a quantum of 1 !X hMultilevel Feedback Queue with 3 queues, the first two being round robin with quanta of 2 and 4, respec@5tively, and the lowest being first come first serve. #W  u( 20 points ) An operating system designer has proposed a multilevel feedback queueing scheme in which there vare five levels. The quantum at the first level is 0.5 seconds, and each lower level has a quantum twice the size of mthe quantum at the previous level. A process cannot be pre-empted until its quantum expires, and then it is smoved to the next lower queue (unless it is in the lowest queue, of course). If the process does I/O, upon compleution it is returned to the queue from which it left. The system runs both batch and interactive jobs, and these, in @4turn, consist of both CPU-bound and I/O-bound jobs. 1`Why is this scheme deficient? 4`dWhat minimal changes would you propose to make the scheme more acceptable for its intended job mix? 5 `a( 20 points )  This question asks you to compare different disk scheduling policies. #/ jUnder very light loads, all the disk scheduling policies we have discussed degenerate into which policy? @Why? !3 hWill requests scheduled by a FCFS disk scheduling policy ever have a lower mean waiting time than those pscheduled by a SCAN policy? Than those scheduled by a SSTF policy? Justify your answers. ( Hint : conzsider a system on which a seek takes 0.5 + 0.4 T  msec, where  T  is the number of cylinders moved. Then @hassume the arm is initially at cylinder 100, the disk has 200 cylinders, and the arm is moving inward.)  `f( 20 points ) To what extent does the theory of disk-head scheduling apply to magnetic tapes? 6O` Extra Credit A ܁a v( 10 points )  Tanenbaum, and many other authors, refer to the LOOK and SCAN algorithms as elevator algorm{rithms. What is the major conceptual difference between disk scheduling and elevator scheduling? ( Hint : are @*we trying to minimize elevator movement?) 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