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So when this is executed, the value of the semaphore  xcond  is always  0 . !U lines 16-21First, the process indicates it will be executing an  x . signal  by adding  1  to  urgentcount . It then checks if any process is waiting on condition variable  x  ( xcondcount  >  0 ), and if so signals any such process ( up ( xcondsem ) ) before suspending itself ( down ( urgent ) ). When restarted, @ithe process indicates it is no longer suspended (by subtracting  1  from  urgentcount ). A` HH=HH7 靕l}?H @> #?H @;Wa Replace With }H @ >"$H @;WaHead }H @">#%H @;Wa Comments }? @$>$&? @BWa }?H @&>%'?H @BW a }H @(>&(H @BW!a }H @*>')H @BW"a }d @->(.d @CW#aCharacter Macros HH;"HH❝+G܁e HH;$3HH**靕l}?d @/>?d @CW$a }?d @1>?d @CW%a }? @3>)/? @DW&a Macro Name }?H @5>.0?H @DW'a Replace With }H @7>/1H @DW(a Comments }? @9>0<? @EW)a HUV ;.HUV ❝3G܁e HUV ;05+HUV 22靕l H$ ;1H$ 5G܁e H$ ;33H$ 44靕l HH;4HHǝ007 `Monitors and Semaphores 0,` Introduction 1܁ sThis handout describes how to express monitors in terms of semaphores. If an operating system provided semaphores I@Tas primitives, this is what a compiler would produce when presented with a monitor. 3b` Algorithm 4 ܁t`K1 var mutex ,  urgent ,  xcond : semaphore; 5ā`D 2  urgentcount ,  xcondcount : integer; 7`?The body of each procedure in the monitor is set up like this: 8 `*3  down ( xmutex ); 9`! 4 (* procedure body*) :`9 5 if   urgentcount  > 0  then ;`- 6  up ( urgent ) <` 7 else =`- 8  up ( mutex ); ?`EEach  x . wait  within the procedure is replaced by: @ `:9  xcondcount  :=  xcondcount  + 1; A `: 10  if  urgentcount  > 0  then B`) 11 up ( urgent ) C` 12 else D`. 13  up ( mutex ); E`* 14 down ( xcond ); F`; 15 xcondcount  :=  xcondcount  - 1; H`GEach  x . signal  within the procedure is replaced by: I `=16  urgentcount  :=  urgentcount  + 1; J `? 17  if  xcondcount  > 0  then begin K`, 18 up ( xcondsem ); L`1 19  down ( urgent ); M` 20 end ; N`= 21 urgentcount  :=  urgentcount  - 1; P` Comments Q܁ |line 1The semaphore  mutex  is initialized to  1  and ensures that only one process at a time is executing kwithin the monitor. The semaphore  urgent  is used to enforce the requirement that processes that fsignal  (and as a result are suspended) are to be restarted before any new process enters the monuitor. The semaphore  xcond  will be used to block processes doing  wait s on the condition variable ix . Note that if there is more than one such condition variable, a corresponding semaphore for each @qcondition variable must be generated. Both  urgent  and  xcond  are initialized to  0 . !R vline 2The integer  urgentcount  indicates how many processes are suspended as a result of a  signal  moperation (and are therefore waiting on the semaphore  urgent ); the counter  xcondcount  is kassociated with the condition variable  x , and indicates how many processes are suspended on that @Hcondition ( i.e. , suspended on the semaphore  xcond ). !S mlines 3-8Since only one process at a time may be in the monitor, the process entering the monitor procedure zmust wait until no other process is using it ( down ( mutex ) ). On exit, the process signals others ethat they may attempt entry, using the following order: if any other process has issues a signal and been suspended ( i.e. ,  urgentcount  _  0 ), the exiting process indicates that one of those is to be xcontinued ( up ( urgent ) ). Otherwise, one of the processes trying to enter the monitor may do so @&( up ( mutex ) ). aT lines 9-15First, the process indicates it will be executing an  x . wait  by adding  1  to  xcondcount . It then esignals some other process that that process may proceed (using the same priority as above). It susHH;6HH 66 靕ld=GK EGxR>EGxREPwEPw TableFootnote}?H @;>1=?H @EW*a }H @=><H @EW+a d@A??d@B>d@@ 靕l d@C>dR=?RUX[^adgjmpsvy| %).1H$ =:IH$ HH靕l H$ =:H$ GW܁܁l@April 19, 1999ECS 150 Spring 1999Page 2 HUV >:GKHUV JJ靕l HUV >:HUV ❝IW܁܁l?Last modified at 10:56 pm on Monday, April 19, 1999 HH>:IHHLL 靕l HH>:HH❝KW2܁܁e dLeftd:Rightd ReferenceddHTMLd>HTMLd HeadingsdĿ@@ GMapping Table Title. Ŀ@@ GBody. Ŀ@@ GFooter. f@T G TableTitleT:Table : .  f@ GBody. Ŀ@@ GHeader Double Line. f@ G CellFooting. f@ G CellHeading. f@ G CellBody. Ŀ@@ GMapping Table Cell.  f@PGTitleBody. Ŀ@@Mapping Table Cell. Ŀ@@ Mapping Table Cell. 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