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In this solution, the buffer size depends on the capacity of the link. 4b` Algorithm 5܁t`41  var  nextp, nextc : item; 6ā`0 2 procedure   producer ; 7` 3 begin 8`; 4  while   true   do begin 9`5 5 (* produce item in  nextp  *) :`M 6  send ( Consumerprocess ,  nextp ); ;` 7  end ; <` 8 end; =`+ 9 procedure  consumer ; >` 10 begin ?`< 11  while   true   do begin @`Q 12  receive ( Producerprocess ,  nextc ); A`6 13 (* consume item in  nextc  *) B` 14  end ; C` 15 end; D` 16 begin E` 17  parbegin F`? 18  Consumerprocess :  consumer ; G`? 19  Producerprocess :  producer ; H` 20  parend I` 21 end . K s` Comments L܁* xline 1Here,  nextp  is the item the consumer produces, and  nextc   the item that the consumer con*@sumes. M jlines 2-8This procedure simply generates items and sends them to the consumer process (named  Consumqerprocess ). Suppose the capacity of the link is n items. If  n  items are waiting to be consumed, "tand the producer tries to  send  the  n +1-st item, the producer will block (suspend) until the conmsumer has removed one item from the link (i.e., done a  receive  on the producer process). Note the `name of the consumer process is given explicitly, so this is an example of explicit naming or kdirect communication. Also, since the  send  is blocking, it ias an example of synchronous com@ munication. !N klines 9-15This code simply receives items from the producer process (named  Producerprocess ) and bconsumes them. If when the receive statement is executed there are no items in the link, the conpsumer will block (suspend) until the producer has put an item from the link (i.e., done a  send  to the `consumer process). Note the name of the producer process is given explicitly; again this is an nexample of explicit naming or direct communication. Also, since the  receive  is blocking, it is @+an example of synchronous communication. O`slines 17-20This starts two concurrent processes, the  Consumerprocess  and the  Producerprocess . A` HH;6HH66 靕lH$ =!:H$ 99靕l H$ =!H$ 8W܁܁l@April 29, 1999ECS 150 Spring 1999Page 1 HUV =!8HHUV GG靕l EGxR=EGxREPwEPw TableFootnote}?H @>1=?H @EW*a }H @><H @EW+a d@??d@>d@@ 靕l d@>dR=?RUX[^adgjmpsvy| %).1 HUV =!HUV ❝:W܁܁l@Last modified at 9:46 am on Thursday, April 29, 1999 HH=!:HHII 靕l HH=!HH❝HW܁܁e dLeftd!Rightd ReferenceddHTMLd>HTMLd HeadingsĿ@@ QMapping Table Title. Ŀ@@ QBody. f@ QBody. f@ Q BodySpaced. Ŀ@@ QFooter. f@T Q TableTitleT:Table : . f@ Q Bulleted\t. f@ Q...Date. mf@ Ql. DateProject. Ŀ@@ QHeader Double Line. f@T QHeading1Body. f@ Q Numbered.\t. f@E Q Numbered1.\tNumbered. f@ Q NumberedSpaced.\t. f@ Q.Reading. f@ QBody. Ŀ@@ QHeader Double Line. f@ Q CellFooting. f@ Q CellHeading. f@ Q CellBody. Ŀ@@ QMapping Table Cell.  f@PQTitleBody. Ŀ@@/Mapping Table Cell. f@$Q.Line Single Line. Ŀ@@ /Mapping Table Cell. 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