A Step-By-Step Guide to Installing FreeBSD 5.4
Software youÕll need to download beforehand:
1- VMWare 1.0.4
a. This is the Windows Binary of VMWare 1.0.4. If youÕre using another operating system, look for the binary to us on this site. Also, the instructions for installing VMWare below were created using Windows Vista.
2- FreeBSD 5.4 ISO: Disc 1, Disc 2
Installing VMWare: (On Windows)
1- Open the file ÒVMware-server-installer-1.0.4-56528.exeÓ to start the VMWare Server installation.
2- On the ÒWelcome to the installation wizardÓ screen, press next.
3- Agree to the terms, press next.
4- On Setup Type screen, choose ÒCompleteÓ and press next.
a. If you get a screen saying Microsoft IIS is needed, simply press OK to continue: we wonÕt be needing this feature of VMWare.
5- Next, select the directory you wish to install VMWare to, and press Next.
6- Click Install to begin installation of VMWare.
7- The installation may take a little time, so grab a cup of coffee and relax.
a. You might get a Windows Security popup saying VMWare wants to install drivers whose authors canÕt be verified by Microsoft: donÕt worry, and just click on ÒInstall this driver anywayÓ (or an equivalent option on Windows XP, or whichever flavor youÕre using).
8- After installation, VMWare will prompt you for some Customer Information, and will require a serial number. Simply go to this site to get your free registration serial number and use that to proceed forward.
9- On the next screen, press Finish. YouÕre done!
Configuring VMWare:
1- Once VMWare is installed on your machine, open it using the Desktop icon it creates (ÒVMWare ServerÓ).
2- On the first screen (ÒSelect the VMWare host that you want to connect toÓ), select ÒLocal hostÓ and press OK.
3- In order to install FreeBSD, we will need to create a new Virtual Machine.
a. Press Ctrl-N to start the creation of a new Virtual Machine.
b. On the Welcome screen, press next.
c. On the ÒSelect the Appropriate ConfigurationÓ, select ÒTypicalÓ and press next.
d. On the next screen, select ÒOtherÓ as your ÒGuest operating systemÓ and select FreeBSD from the list below. Press next.
e. Select a name for your virtual machine and a path you wish to create it at.
f. On the next screen, select ÒUse bridged networkingÓ and press next.
g. On the ÒSpecify Disk CapacityÓ screen, change the size of the Virtual Machine to whatever you want to allocate for it (I allocate 12.0gb just so I have enough space allocated for unforeseen installation/usage on this Virtual Machine). Press Finish.
i. If you encounter problems during this step, theyÕre due to the fact that VM will try to create one file for your virtual machine of 12.0gb (some filesystems, such as Fat32, cannot support files larger than 4.0gb). In that case, check ÒSplit disk into 2 GB files before proceeding.
h. Now for some additional configuration to get your VM going:
i. Right-click on ECS150 FreeBSD above, and click on Settings. Select CD-ROM as shown below, select ÒUse ISO ImageÓ and browse to Disc1 of FreeBSD5.4 downloaded before.
i. Next, click on ÒAddÓ above. This will open a ÒWelcome to the Add Hardware WizardÓ. Press Next, select ÒEthernet AdapterÓ, press next, selet ÒCustom: Specific Virtual NetworkÓ and select ÒVMnet8Ó. Press finish.
j. On the Virtual Machine Settings, select the Device ÒEthernetÓ and uncheck ÒConnect at Power OnÓ.
k. Press OK to return to the VMWare Server Console. Under commands on this screen, press ÒStart this virtual machineÓ.
Installing FreeBSD 5.4
We show a step-by-step installation here with the help screenshots taken during installation. Also, note that switching between FreeBSD emulation and the VMWare Server can be done by pressing ÒCtrl-AltÓ when youÕre inside the FreeBSD emulation, and by click on the black FreeBSD emulation screen when youÕre on your operating system.
1. The first important screen youÕll see will ask you to select an option for booting FreeBSD. Simply wait for this screen to go away.
2. Next, you will reach this screen:
3. Select ÒCustomÓ from the list above, and press ÒEnterÓ, and you will reach the screen shown below:
4. Select ÒPartitionÓ from the list above, press A (Òuse Entire DiskÓ) and press Q. Next, on the screen titled ÒInstall boot managerÉÓ, select ÒStandardÓ (Òinstall a Standard MBRÓ) and press Enter. You will return to the screen shown in step #3 above.
5. Now, select the ÒLabelÓ option (shown in step #3 above), press Enter and you will reach the ÒFreeBSD Disklabel EditorÓ. Press C here, and you will get the following screen:
Remove whatever was in the field with the cursor, and type
10G (if you allocated 12gb to the virtual machine, 8gb if you allocated 10gb,
6gb if you allocated 8gb, and so on). Press Enter. Select FS on the next
screen, press Enter, type / and press Enter.
6. Next, press C again, press Enter, and select SWAP, press Enter. ThatÕs it, youÕre done allocating your disks for FreeBSD. Press Q to return to the menu shown in step #3.
7. Next, select Distributions from the menu shown in step #3, select ÒAllÓ on the ÒChoose DistributionsÓ screen, press Enter (ÒyesÓ) on the ÒUser Confirmation RequestedÓ screen, select Exit on the ÒChoose DistributionsÓ screen, and press Enter. You will return to the menu from step#3 again.
8. On the menu from step#3, select Media, choose CD/DVD, and press Enter.
9. Next, from the menu from step#3, select ÒCommitÓ and press Enter. Press Enter again on the screen ÒUser Confirmation RequestedÓ and this will start the FreeBSD installation on the Virtual Machine.
10. After a few seconds of installation start, the screen will look something like this:
Now we wait for the installation to complete. After the
installation, you will see the
following screen: (Select ÒYesÓ and press Enter). This will lead you to the
screen shown below the next.
12. Select ÒPackagesÓ and choose the packages you wish to install. Packages that you will need are: all editors and all development packages (devel).
13. When done selecting the packages, select ÒInstallÓ by pressing Tab and press Enter.
14. Select OK on the next screen and press Enter.
15. If your are next asked for Disc#1 or Disc#2 of FreeBSD 5.4 (shown below), select Yes and press Enter.
a. At this point (when shown the above screen), right-click on ÒECS150 FreeBSDÓ in the Inventory to the left of the black FreeBSD screen, go to CD-ROM, and browse to the Disc#x ISO (where x = { 1 , 2 }). When done selecting this ISO, press OK. Go back into FreeBSD and press Enter.
16. Installation of the packages will take some time É more coffee, anyone?
17. Once the package installation is complete, you will return to the following screen:
18. You should now change the root password to any password you desire – do this by selecting ÒRoot PasswordÓ and pressing Enter. You will be then asked for the password twice, and will be returned to this screen once done.
19. Skip to the last option: Networking. Select it and press Enter. You will reaching the following screen:
20. WeÕre trying to configure our network card so we can get files into and move files out of the installation of FreeBSD. Select Interfaces above and press Enter. Select Òlnc1Ó as the Ethernet adapter next, press Enter. Then select Yes on the next two screens and press Enter on both aswell.
21. You will reach the screen shown below. Select a hostname (I typed in ÒrockstarÓ) and press Tab till you reach ÒOKÓ at the bottom. Press Enter.
22. Return to the FreeBSD Configuration Menu by selecting Exit and pressing Enter.
23. Now youÕre all set – press Tab to select Cancel. Press Enter. On the screen you see next (ÒChoose Customer Installation OptionsÓ) select ÒCommitÓ and press Enter. Once done, select Exit on this menu aswell and press Enter. Press Tab on the next screen and Exit Install. You will be prompted to answer whether you want to reboot the machine or not. Select Yes and press Enter.
24. The system is now restarting.
25. You will soon reach the login prompt for your new FreeBSD installation. To login enter the username ÒrootÓ and the password ÒXÓ where X is the password you selected during the installation.
26. Welcome to FreeBSD 5.4.
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