Producer Consumer Problem

This algorithm uses eventcounters and sequencers to solve the producer/consumer (or bounded-buffer) problem.

 1  var nextp, nextc: item;
 2      IN, OUT: eventcounter;
 3      T: sequencer;
 4  procedure producer;
 5  begin
 6      var t: integer;
 7      while true do begin
 8          (* produce item in nextp *)
 9          t := ticket(T);
10          await(IN, t);
11          await(OUT, t - N + 1);
12          buffer[(t + 1) mod N] := nextp;
13          advance(IN);
14      end;
15  end;
16  procedure consumer;
17  begin
18      var i: integer;
19      i := 1;
20      while true do begin
21          await(IN, i);
22          nextc := buffer[i mod N];
23          (* consume item in nextc *)
24          advance(OUT);
25          i := i + 1;
26      end;
27  end;
28  begin
29      parbegin
30          consumer;
31          producer;
32      parend
33  end.

lines 1-3 Here, nextp is the item the consumer produces, and nextc the item that the consumer consumes. The eventcounter IN synchronizes the producers and consumers so that at most one at a time accesses the buffer. OUT

lines 4-15 This procedure sequences the producers so that only one at a time is writing to the buffer.

lines 9-10 The variable t is the sequence number. The next sequence number is generated, and the process blocks until the eventcounter IN reaches that value.

line 11 This blocks until the appropriate element in the buffer is available. Then it proceeds.

line 13 By incrementing the eventcounter, this allows the next producer in to add nextp to element (t + 1) mod N. It also allows the next consumer consume the item in element t mod N.

lines 16-27 This procedure sequences the producers so that only one at a time is writing to the buffer.

line 21 This blocks the consumer until a producer puts an item in element i. Note this variable is the same as in the producer, tying the two of them together.

line 24 The consumer has removed one more item, so the consumer increments the eventcounter OUT. Again, the producer waiting on this element being available for storage is signaled.

lines 29-32 This starts two concurrent processes, the consumer and the producer.

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