Outline for May 16, 2008

Reading: Text, §6, 7, 10

  1. Greetings and felicitations!
  2. Issues
    continued from last lecture
    1. Goals; what should a good process/device interface do?
    2. Device hardware; what does a device look like?
    3. Device interface; how are the devices connected to the computer?
    4. Device drivers; what do the kernel modules interacting with devices look like?
    5. Process interface; how do the processes access devices?
  3. Goals
    1. Character code independence
    2. Device independence
    3. Efficiency
    4. Uniform treatment of devices
  4. Device Hardware
    1. Disks: platters, tracks, cylinders, sectors, heads, arms; seek, rotational, and transfer latencies
    2. Drums: one head per track; use
    3. Magnetic tapes: nine-track tapes, frames, tape density, records, inter-record gaps, labels, headers, trailers; winding, transfer latencies
    4. Communication lines: simplex, half-duplex, full duplex; baud; protocols; bit stuffing, character stuffing (escapes)
  5. Device Interface
    1. Device registers, controllers
    2. Channels, commands, channel programs
    3. Command chaining, data chaining (scatter-gather)
    4. Selector, multiplier channels
  6. Device Drivers
    1. Standard interface; upper, lower part

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