Study Guide for Midterm This is simply a guide of topics that I consider fair game for the mdterm. I donšt promise to ask you about them all, or about any of these in particular; but I may very well ask you about any of these. 1. Ethics and Law a. Exporting cryptographic programs, enciphered messages b. Ethical and legal problems of break-ins c. License to hack 2. Cryptography a. Types of attacks: ciphertext only, known plaintext, chosen plaintext, chosen ciphertext b. Types of ciphers: substitution, transposition, product (both substitution and trans- position) c. Goal of ciphers; what makes a cipher theoretically unbreakable d. Caesar cipher, Vigenere cipher, one-time pad e. What the DES is, characteristics f. Public key cryptosystems g. RSA h. Confidentiality and authentication with secret key and public key systems 3. User and System Authentication a. One-way hash functions (cryptographic hash functions) b. UNIX password scheme, what the salt is and its role c. Challenge-response schemes d. Attacking authentication systems: guessing passwords, spoofing system, counter- measures 4. Access Control a. multiple levels of privilege b. UNIX protection scheme c. ACLs, capabilities, lock-and-key d. MULTICS ring protection scheme e. MAC, multilevel (military) security model f. Differences between MAC, DAC, ORCON g. Bell-LaPadula model