The S/Key Protocol Setup The user selects an S/Key password K and a maximum sequence number N. The system supplies a seed k. These are hashed together (specifically: k and K are concatenated, run through the MD4 cryptographic hash function, and short- ened to 64 bits by xoring the two 64-bit halves) to form h. The system then computes the following sequence of pass- words p0, ”, pNÇ1: p0 = fN(h); p1 = fNÇ1(h); ”; pm = fNÇm(h); ”; pNÇ1 = f(h). Note that pi = fNÇi(h), or pi = f(piÇ1), for 0 Ê i < N. The system stores the current count m, the seed k, and the last validated password pmÇ1 in a file called skeykeys Validation Algorithm In the following algorithm, localhost is the host which the user is logged in to and remotehost is the host that the user is trying to log in to from localhost. The S/Key mechanism is to be used. 1. User supplies login name, which is sent to remotehost 2. The remotehost sends m and k to the localhost. 3. User supplies his or her S/Key key K; from that, m, and k, the user (or the localsystem) computes h and the next password pm = fNÇm(h). This is transmitted to remotehost. 4. The remotehost uses the new password to compute f(pm) = f(fNÇm(h)) = fNÇm+1(h) = fNÇ(mÇ1)(h) = pmÇ1. 5. If the computed password pmÇ1 is the same as the one stored in the skeykeys file, the user supplied the correct password, and the skeykeys file is updated. If not, the user did not supply the correct password, and the login is denied.