Notes for October 28, 1998 1. Greetings and Felicitations! a. Office hours 3:00-4:00PM today. b. Security lab seminar 1:00-2:00PM in 1131 EU-II. We will talk about ongoing projects! 2. Puzzle of the Day 3. Intrusion Detection Systems a. Anomaly detectors: look for unusual patterns b. Misuse detectors: look for sequences known to cause problems c. Specification detectors: look for actions outside specifications 4. Misuse Detection a. Look for specific patterns that indicate a security violation b. Basis: need a database or ruleset of attack signatures c. Issues: handling log data, correllating logs d. Problems: can't find new attacks 5. Specification Detection a. Look for violations of specifications b. Basis: need a representation of specifications c. Issues: similar to misuse detection d. Advantage: can detect attacks you don't know about. 6. Cryptography a. Ciphers v. Codes b. Attacks: ciphertext-only, known plaintext, known ciphertext 7. Classical Ciphers a. monoalphabetic (simple substitution): f(a) = a + k mod n b. example: Caesar with k = 3, RENAISSANCE ? UHQDLVVDQFH c. polyalphabetic: Vigenere, fi(a) = (a + ki) mod n d. cryptanalysis:do index of coincidence to see if it's monoalphabetic or polyalphabetic, then Kasiski method. e. problem: eliminate periodicity of key