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Go through it; UNIX uses this for  crypt (1) com@mand. w hPerfect secrecy: when the probability of computing the plaintext message is the same whether or not you @have the ciphertext y`OOnly cipher with perfect secrecy: one-time pads; C=AZPR; is that DOIT or DONT? z`DES {`Go through the algorithm |`Public-Key Cryptography }`,Basic idea: 2 keys, one private, one public ~`Cryptosystem must satisfy: r`)given public key, CI to get private key; `+cipher withstands chosen plaintext attack; `Sencryption, decryption computationally feasible [note: commutativity NOT required] `iT1 jGeCharacter Macros } :@i jGe } :Bi jGe }H:Di.2HjGe Character }:Fi13jGe Replace With }:Hi24jGe Comments }H:Ji35HjGe }:Li46jGe¢ }:Ni5FjGe }H:{i<8HjGe }:}i79jGe... }:i8jGe }H:i?;HjGe }:i:<jGe- }:i;7jG e }H:iB>Hj G!e }:i=?j G"e-- }:i>:j G#e }H:iEAHj G$e }:i@Bj G%e° }:iA=j G&e }H:iHDHj G'e }:iCEj G(e® }:iD@j G)e }H:i6GHj G*e }:iFHj G+e© }:iGCj G,e } :i]M j G-eGeneral Macros } :i j G.e } :i j G/e } :i j G0e }h:iINhjG1e Macro Name }h:iMOhjG2e Replace With }h:iNPhjG3eHead }:iOQjG4e Comments }h:iPRhjG5e }h:iQShjG6e }h:iRThjG7e }:iS.jG8e } ;iX j G9eCross-Reference Macros } ;i j G:e } ;i j G;e };iUYj G<e Macro Name }; 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