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HHˆ5=HHˆ Q?"&*.26:>BFJN*~ Please note that this syllabus is  tentative  and subject to change. If you want to hear about a topic not listed above, or P@>l}J`10. }amDJVXamDW?` Fri, Oct 22 }mJWYmW@`)Access control matrix; security policies }m|JXZm|WA` }HJY[HWB` }aDJZ\aDWC` }J[]WD`&Discussion : Policies at UC Davis }|J\^|WE` }HJ]_HWF`11. }aDK^`aDWG` Mon, Oct 25 }K_aWH`$Security policies ( cont ) }|K`b|WI!`homework #2 due }HKacHWJ`12. }aDKbdaDWK` Wed, Oct 28 }K ceWL`7Authentication: passwords,  crypt (3), attacks }|K df|WM` }HKegHWN`13. }aDKfhaDWO` Fri, Oct 29 }KgiWP`Users, groups, roles }|Khj|WQ!`project part 2 due }HKikHWR` }aDKjlaDWS` }KkmWT`$Discussion : Review for midterm }|Kln|WU` }HKmoHWV`13. }aDK npaDWW` Mon, Nov 1 }K"oqWX`midterm }|K$pr|WY` }HK&qsHWZ`14. }aDK(rtaDW[` Wed, Nov 3 }K*suW\`3Access control lists, capabilities, locks and keys }|K-tv|^ last day to change to P/NP P@or S/U grading }HK/uwHW_`15. }aDK1vxaDW`` Fri, Nov 5 }K3wyWa`Access rings, PACLs }|K5xz|Wb` }H-K7y{H-Wc` }a-DK9z|a-DWd` }-K;{}-We`+Discussion : Go through midterm; S/Key }-|K=|~-|Wf` }HAK?}HAWg`16. }aADKA~aADWh` Mon, Nov 8 }AKCAWi`/Malicious logic: Trojan horses, viruses, worms }A|KEA|Wj!`homework #3 due }HUKGHUWk`17. }aUDKIaUDWl` Wed, Nov 10 }UKKUWm`:Defending against malicious logic; property-based testing }U|KMU|Wn` }HiKOHiWo`18. }aiDKQaiDWp` Fri, Nov. 12 }iKS iWq`Auditing and logging }i|KU i|Wr` }H}KW H}Ws` }a}DKY a}DWt` }}K[ }Wu`?Discussion : Examples of famous malicious logic; isolation }}|K] }|Wv` }H_K_=H_>Ww`19. }a_DKa=a_D>Wx` Mon, Nov. 15 }_Kc=_>Wy`Wz` }HsKg=Hs>W{`20. }asDKi=asD>W|` Wed, Nov. 17 }sKk=s>W}`)Network security; cryptography as a tool }s|Km=s|>W~` }HKo=H>W`21. }aDKq=aD>W` Fri, Nov. 19 }Ks=>W`Analyzing network protocols }|Ku=|>W` }HKw=H>W` }aDKy=aD>W` }K{=>W`8Discussion : Cryptographic protocols; X.509 failure }|K}=|>W` }HK=H> W`22. }aDK= aD> W` Mon, Nov 22 }K=!> W `#Security in network administration }|K= "|> W !`homework #4 due }HK=!#H>!W `23. }aDK="$aD>!W ` Wed, Nov 24 }K=#%>!W `"Security in system administration }|K=$&|>!W` }HK=%'H>"W` }aDK=&(aD>"W` Fri, Nov 26 }K=')>"W`no class  (Thanksgiving) }|K=(*|>"W` }HK=)+H>#W` }aDK=*,aD>#W` }K=+->#W`4Discussion :  none  (Thanksgiving)  }|K=,.|>#W` }HK=-/H>$W`24. }aDK=.0aD>$W` Mon, Nov 29 }K=/1>$W`Security in system use }|K=02|>$W` }HK=13H>%W`25. }aDK=24aD>%W` Wed, Dec 1 }K=35>%W`/Security in programming; principles and design }|K=46|>%W` }H'K=57H'>&W`26. }a'DK=68a'D>&W ` Fri, Dec 3 }'K=79'>&W!`-Security in programming: UNIX implementation }'|K=8:'|>&W"!` }H;K=9;H;>'W#` }a;DK=:<a;D>'W$` };K=;=;>'W%`%Discussion : UNIX security tools };|K=<>;|>'W&` }HOK==?HO>(W'`27. }aODK=>@aOD>(W(` Mon, Dec 6 }OK=?AO>(W)`Denial of service }O|K=@BO|>(W)W+`28. }acDK=BDacD>)W,` Wed, Dec 8 }cK=CEc>)W=`&Computability; HRU result, Take-Grant }c|K=DFc|>)W.` }HwK=EGHw>*W/`29. }awDK=FHawD>*W0` Fri, Dec 10 }wK=GIw>*W1`to be determined }w|K=HJw|>*W]!`project part3 due }HK=IKH>+W3` }aDK=JLaD>+W4` }K=KM>+W5`"Discussion : Review for final }|K=LN|>+W6` }HK=MOH>,W7` }aDK=NPaD>,W8` Tue, Dec 14 }K=OQ>,W9` final exam }|K=P|>,W:` dLeftdRightd Referencedd=f@ XCellBody. f@ X Footnote.  f@T XHeading2Body. f@T X HeadingRunInBody. f@ X Indented. f@ X TableFootnote. f@T X TableTitleT:Table : . @@ XHeader Double Line. f@T X$ TableTitleT:Table : . f@ X CellFooting. @@ XFooter. f@ XRule. @@ X $ H l      D h  ManHeading.  f@ X CellHeading. f@ XBody.  f@P X Heading InfoBody. f@ XBody. f@ X CellHeading. f@E X Numbered1.\tNumbered. f@ X Numbered.\t. f@ X Bulleted\t. f@ XCellBody. f@ XCellBody.  f@PXTitleBody.  f@PXTitleBody.  @@ X ManHeading2.  f@T XHeading1Body. @@ X $ H l      D h  ManBody. 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