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N € 3.N €a.N €b.N€c.N€ 5.N€a.N €b.N!€c.N"€d.N#€e.NC€ 4.ÂdÃqÁÂdÃ:ÂdÃM " H—´m³Rë‹™M H—´m³Rë‹™H RH R Footnote HÀrýÀ@‹™MHÀrýÀ@‹™HÀz·¯HÀz·¯ Single LineH§À´ŽÿðM Footnote ‚ ÀM ‚ À ‚ À™‚ HÀ¨ýÀD­‹™M HÀ¨ýÀD­‹™HÀ°·¯HÀ°·¯ Double LineHÀ¹ÿðÁÔŒM Double LineÁÔM ÁÔÁÔ„ÁÔM „ÁÔ„ÁÔ„HÀ…ÿúÁÔŠM  Single LineÁÔM ÁÔÁÔHZÀ´…ÿðM " TableFootnoteÂdÃ5p HHÁÔˆ5xHHÁÔˆ‰ÿÿG†ªªe HHÁÔˆ5zHHÁÔˆŽÿðl $$ÂÂÐ:$$ÂÂÐÀwÿýqG†ªªBm V $$ÂÂÐ:$$ÂÂÐŽÿðl€} : GeHeadings Table €} :  Ge €} :  Ge €}l: lG eHeading Level HÂíUVÁÔ 5„HÂíUVÁÔ ‰ÿÿG†ªªe HÂíUVÁÔ 5†HÂíUVÁÔ Žÿðl H$ÁÔ 5‡H$ÁÔ –G†ªªe H$ÁÔ 5‰H$ÁÔ Žÿðl HÀDßþÁÔˆ5ŠHÀDßþÁÔˆÂGÿà&&€ ` Homework 4 †ªªªªª`0Due Date:  ÊDecember 7, 2000 ×160 Points uÀFª® €-( Í30 points Ê)  ÊAlice can read and write the file  Íx Ê, can read the file  Íy Ê, and can execute the file  Íz Ê. Bob can read  Íx Ê, can ÀRª­@;read and write  Íy Ê, and cannot access  Íz Ê. ~Àdª¬ nPlease write a set of access control lists for this situation, and say what each Several capability-based sysÀpª«@(tems have been list is associated with.  Àªª`fPlease write a set of capability lists for this situation, and say what each list is associated with.  À‘ª© u( Í30 points Ê) Consider how a system with capabilities as its access control mechanism could deal with Trojan Àª¨@horses. qÀ¯ª§ nIn general, do capabilities offer more or less protection against Trojan horses than do access control lists? À»ª¦@QJustify your answer in light of the theoretical equivalence of ACLs and C-Lists. vÀʪ¥ mConsider now the inheritance properties of new processes. If the creator controls which capabilities the creÀÖª¤@fated process is given initially, how could the creator limit the damage that a Trojan horse could do? wÀ媣 nCan capabilities protect against all Trojan horses? Either show that they can, or describe a Trojan horse proÀñª¢@*cess that C-Lists cannot protect against. ‚Áª¡ €( Í30 points Ê) Consider Multics procedure  Íp Ê and data segment  Íd Ê. Procedure  Íp Ê is executing and needs to access seg0Áª €ment  Íd Ê. Segment  Íd ÊÕs access bracket is (5, 6). Assume that  Íd ÊÕs access control list gives  Íp Ê full (read, write, append, @kand execute) rights to  Íd Ê. In which ring(s) must  Íp Ê execute for the following to happen? ‚ Á-ªž`3p Ê can read, write, and append to  Íd Ê? ‚Á<ª`Gp Ê can read  Íd Ê but not write to or append to  Íd Ê? ‚`"p Ê cannot access  Íq Ê? ‚ Á]ª› €( Í10 points Ê) Prove that the set of all subsets of a given set  ÍS Ê (called the  Ípower set Ê of  ÍS Ê) forms a lattice under the Áiªš@!relation ÒsubsetÓ ( ÛÍ Ê). ‚Á{ª™ k( Í30 points Ê) Given the security levels TOPSECRET, SECRET, CONFIDENTIAL, and UNCLASSIFIED (ordered 0Á‡ª˜sfrom highest to lowest), and the categories A, B, and C, say what type of access (read, write, or both) is allowed @rin the following situations. Assume discretionary access controls allow anyone access unless otherwise specified. ‚Á¥ª–`cPaul, cleared for (TOPSECRET, { A, C }), wants to access a document classified (SECRET, { B, C }). ‚Á´ª• bAnna, cleared for (CONFIDENTIAL, { C }), wants to access a document classified (CONFIDENTIAL, { B ÁÀª”@}). ‚ÁϪ“`aJesse, cleared for (SECRET, { C }), wants to access a document classified (CONFIDENTIAL, { C }). ‚ cSammi, cleared for (TOPSECRET, { A, C }), wants to access a document classified (CONFIDENTIAL, { A Áꪑ@}). ‚ Áùª bRobin, who has no clearances (and so works at the UNCLASSIFIED level), wants to access a document ª@"classified (CONFIDENTIAL, { B }). |ªŽ`p( Í30 points Ê) A computer system provides protection using the Biba policy. How would a virus spread if: } ethe virus were placed on the system at system low (the compartment which all other compartments domiÂ5ªŒ@nate)? QÂDª‹`gthe virus were placed on the system at system high (the compartment which dominates all compartments)? 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