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In general, go with the ÀEª¨@date on the assignment. qÀTª§`Puzzle of the day u`Robust Programming v`+Go through handout, emphasizing principles w`#Information hiding and abstraction x`Error handling z`&Common Implementation Vulnerabilities { hUnknown interaction with other system components (DNS entry with bad names, assuming finger port is finÀºª @ger and not chargen) |ÀɪŸ`zOverflow (year 2000,  Ílpr Ê overwriting flaw,  Ísendmail Ê large integer flaw,  Ísu Ê buffer overflow) }`:Race conditions ( Íxterm Ê flaw,  Íps Ê flaw) ‚`JEnvironment variables ( Ívi Ê one-upsmanship,  Íloadmodule Ê) A‚`1Not resetting privileges (Purdue Games incident) HHÁÔˆ5ŒHHÁÔˆ$Žÿðl€}À: ÀG eParagraph Format €}À:!ÀG e Comments €}l: )lGe4 ÀE¸ÏÀGxÅÀRªù‹™MÀE¸ÏÀGxÅÀRªù‹™ÀE¸ÏÀPwÀE¸ÏÀPw TableFootnote HHÁÔˆMSHHÁÔˆÁ ª‚€ %%$‚  `Puzzle of the Day €†ªªªªª`bSaul Alinsky illustrated one of his rules of tactics for an organizer with the following example: y¹ª© hThe third rule is;  ÍWhenever possible go outside of the experience of the enemy. Ê Here you want ÀEª¨@'to cause confusion, fear, and retreat. ~ÀTª§ WGeneral William T. Sherman, whose name still causes a frenzied reaction throughout the À`ª¦_South, provided a classic example of going outside the enemyÕs experience. Until Sherman, mili0ÀmUPitary tactics and strategies were based on standard patterns. All armies had fronts, rears, flanks, lines aof communication, and lines of supply. Military campaigns were aimed at such standard objectives eas rolling up the flanks of the enemy army or cutting the lines of supply or lines of communication, aor moving around to attack from the rear. When Sherman cut loose on his famous March to the Sea, dhe had no front or rear lines of supplies or any other lines. He was on the loose and living on the dland. The South, confronted with this new form of military invasion, reacted with confusion, panic, gterror, and collapse. Sherman swept on to inevitable victory. It was the same tactic that, years later ein the early days of World War II, the Nazi Panzer tank divisions emulated in their far-flung sweeps ‰ULƒUUÀÏU?Hcinto enemy territory, as did our own General Patton with the American Third Armored Division. Y ‚†ªªÀÞU>`0What lessons does this passage teach attackers? Q‚Àðªž`MWhat lessons should computer security administrators draw from this passage? HHÁÔˆMUHHÁÔˆ##Žÿðl€~HÂÅÁÔ MÒHÂÅÁÔ #W `aSaul Alinsky,  ×Rules for Radicals Ï, Random House, Inc., New York, NY (1972) pp. 127Ð128. 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