lec. | date | topic | reading | due |
1. | Mon Mar 30 | Introduction to computer security | text, §1 | |
dis 1. | | no discussion section today | | |
2. | Wed Apr 1 | Assurance; principles of secure design | text, §13, 18, [Bel07,Mei06,VE06] | |
3. | Fri Apr 3 | Robust programming, part 1 | [Bis11] | |
4. | Mon Apr 6 | Robust programming, part 2 | text, §29; [VBKM00,CCS06] | |
dis 2. | | Case study; Buffer overflow, ROP | [Ale96, Sha07] | |
5. | Wed Apr 8 | Common vulnerabilities | [Chr11,OWA13] | |
6. | Fri Apr 10 | Flaw hypothesis methodology, part 1 | text, §23.1–23.2, [Bis07a] | homework #1 |
7. | Mon Apr 13 | FHM part 2; vulnerability models | text, §23.3–23.4, [PTE12] | |
dis 3. | | Using a source code analyzer | | |
8. | Wed Apr 15 | Vulnerability models, part 2 | text, §23.1–23.4 | |
9. | Fri Apr 17 | Access control matrix, HRU result | text, §2, 3.1–3.2 | |
10. | Mon Apr 20 | Policies | text, §4.1–4.4, [War70] | |
dis 4.v | | Some security tools; nmap, metasploit | | |
11. | Wed Apr 22 | Policy languages | text, §4.5 | |
12. | Fri Apr 24 | Confidentiality: Bell-LaPadula model | text, §5 | homework #2 |
13. | Mon Apr 27 | to be arranged | | |
dis 5. | | Review for midterm examination | | |
14. | Wed Apr 29 | Midterm (in class) | | |
15. | Fri May 2 | Integrity: Biba model | text, §6 (not 6.3) | |
16. | Mon May 4 | Integrity: Clark-Wilson model | text, §6.4 | |
dis 6. | | Web security | | |
17. | Wed May 6 | Classical cryptography | text, §9.1–9.2 | |
18. | Fri May 8 | Classical, public key cryptography | text, §9.3 | |
19. | Mon May 11 | Public key cryptography | text, §9.3–9.4 | homework #3 |
dis 7. | | Breaking a Vigenère Cipher | | |
20. | Wed May 13 | Key management, digital signatures | text, §10.1–10.4, 10.6 | |
21. | Fri May 15 | Cryptographic protocols, authentication | text, §11.3, 11.4.1, 12 | |
22. | Mon May 18 | Authentication | text, §12 | |
dis 8. | | Race conditions | | |
23. | Wed May 20 | Authentication | text, §12 | |
24. | Fri May 22 | Access control mechanisms | text, §15 | homework #4 |
—. | Mon May 25 | Holiday: Memorial Day | | |
25. | Wed May 27 | Malware | text, §22 (not 22.6), [Nac97] | |
26. | Fri May 29 | Malware, network security | text, §11.4, 22 (not 22.6), [Nac97] | |
27. | Mon Jun 1 | to be arranged | | |
dis 9. | | Review for Final Examination | | |
28. | Wed Jun 3 | Electronic voting | [BBG07, Bis07b,BW07,RAB04] | homework #5 |
—. | Wed Jun 10 | Final examination (at 6:00pm) | |