Lecture 10 Outline

Reading: text, §5.1*–5.2.2*, 5.3*–5.4*
Assignments: Homework 2, due Oct. 21; Lab 2, due Oct. 21

  1. Greetings and felicitations!
  2. Puzzle of the Day
  3. Goals of confidentiality policies
  4. Bell-LaPadula Model with levels only
    1. Security levels
    2. Simple security property
    3. *-property
    4. Discretionary security property
  5. Full Bell-LaPadula Model
    1. Add in compartments
    2. dom relation
    3. BLP as lattice structure
    4. Simple security property
    5. *-Property
    6. Discretionary security property
  6. Range of levels
  7. Basic Security Theorem
  8. Example: Trusted Solaris
  9. Tranquility
    1. Declassification problem
    2. Strong tranquility
    3. Weak tranquility

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