Lecture 25 Outline
Reading: §23*
Assignments: Homework 5, due Dec. 2
- Computer virus
- Boot sector infector
- Executable infector
- Multipartite
- TSR (terminate and stay resident)
- Stealth
- Encrypted
- Polymorphic
- Metamorphic
- Macro
- Computer worm
- Bots, botnets
- Bacterium, rabbit
- Logic bomb
- Adware, spyware
- Ransomware
- Phishing
- Ideal: program to detect malicious logic
- Can be shown: not possible to be precise in most general case
- Can constrain case enough to locate specific malicious logic
- Defenses
- Scanning defenses
- Data and instructions
- Information flow metrics
- Reducing rights
- Specifications as restrictions
- Limiting sharing
- Statistical analysis