Lecture 29 Outline

Reading: §17
Assignments: Homework 5, due Dec. 2

  1. General notes
    1. Homework 5, question 2 has been corrected. Do not do the earlier version!
    2. Lab 4 has been graded and returned (on Canvas). Please resubmit any changes by 11:59pm December 2 (on Friday). You can recover up to 80% of the points you lost for correctness and style.
  2. Confinement Problem
    1. What it is
    2. Rule of transitive confinement
  3. Isolation
    1. Total isolation and covert channels
    2. Virtual machines
    3. Sandboxes
  4. Covert channels
    1. Storage channels vs. timing channels
    2. Shared Resource Matrix Model
  5. Side channels

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