
Date: October 11, 2013

Unscramble each word and write the unscrambled word in the blanks. Then take the letters with double underlines and rearrange them to answer the question below.


Their hike through the forest was great until their path


Hint: “What a great path!” “I think it’s coming to an end.”

This puzzle is taken from Jumble®, distributed by the Tribune Media Services. The date of this puzzle is unknown.


PAROV       V A P O R
GIRRO       R I G O R
FRODAF       A F F O R D
METLUB       T U M B L E

Their hike through the forest was great until their path

T  R  A  I  L  E  D       O  F  F 

Hint: “What a great path!” “I think it’s coming to an end.”

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