Lecture 4: Attacks Part 2
Date: October 4, 2013
Homework due: Oct. 4 at 5:00pm (today)
- What is malware?
- Trojan horse, replicating Trojan horse
- The game of animal
- Thompson’s Trojan horse
- Computer viruses
- How they work
- Stealth viruses
- Polymorphic viruses
- Computer worm
- How they work
- Internet worm
- Other worms
- Bacteria, logic bomb
- Example: Internet worm
- Example: Melissa macro virus
- Discussion question
Discussion Topic
A professor wants his computer security class to learn about computer viruses.
So he creates an exercise for them to write one and test it out.
They will do this on a network that is not connected to any
other network (and, especially, not to the Internet).
Do you think teaching people how to write viruses is
a reasonable way to have students learn about computer viruses?