Outline for January 20, 2012

Reading: §3.3

  1. Conspiracy
    1. Access set
    2. Deletion set
    3. Conspiracy graph
    4. I, T sets
    5. Theorem: can•steal(α, x, y, G0) iff there is a path from some h(p) ∈ I(x) to some h(q) ∈ T(y)
  2. Schematic Protection Model
    1. Protection type, ticket, function, link predicate, filter function
    2. Take-Grant as an instance of SPM
    3. Create rules and attenuation
  3. Safety analysis
    1. Definitions
    2. pathh predicate
    3. Capacity flow function
    4. Maximal state: definition, existence, derivability
  4. Acyclic attenuating schemes and decidability
  5. Expressive power
    1. SPM and HRU
    2. ESPM and multiparent create
    3. Simulation and expressiveness

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UC Davis sigil
ECS 235B, Foundations of Computer and Information Security
Winter Quarter 2012