Tentative Syllabus

These topics are tentative and subject to change without warning. If I don’t discuss something you’re interested in, ask about it! I may very well add it or modify what I’m covering to include it.

lecdate  topicreadingdue
1.    Apr 1    Introduction, overview of security    §1  
2.    Apr 3    Access control matrix model    §2      
3.    Apr 5    Safety question and the HRU result    §3.1, 3.2      
4.    Apr 8    Take-Grant Protection Model, de jure rules    §3.3      
5.    Apr 10    Take-Grant Protection Model, de facto rules    [Bis96]      
6.    Apr 12    Schematic Protection Model    §3.4    homework #1  
7.    Apr 15    Schematic Protection Model, Expressive power    §3.5    project selection  
8.    Apr 17    Comparison of models, ESPM, TAM, MTAM    handout, [ZLN05]       
9.    Apr 19    Security policies, mechanisms    §4      
10.    Apr 22    Lattices, Bell-LaPadula model    §30, 5      
11.    Apr 24    Bell-LaPadula model, System Z    handout, §5.3, 5.4      
12.    Apr 26    Biba, Clark-Wilson Integrity Models    §6.2, 6.4    homework #2  
13.    Apr 29    Chinese Wall, Other Hybrid Policy Models    §7.1, 7.2, [WB04]      
14.    May 1    ORCON, RBAC Access Control Models    §7.3, 7.4      
15.    May 3    PKIs, Deterministic Noninterference    §8.1, 8.2, [KR02]      
16.    May 6    Generalized noninterference, policy composition    §8.3–8.4, [Man02]      
17.    May 8    Nondeducibility, restrictiveness, composition    §8.5    progress report   
18.    May 10    Identity, anonymity, probability    §14, 33    homework #3  
19.    May 13    Entropy, information flow problems    §16.1, 16.2, [BDU07]      
20.    May 15    Information flow    §16.3–16.5      
21.    May 17    Confinement problem, isolation    §17.1, 17.2, 33      
22.    May 20    Analyzing covert channels    §17.3, [SMB06]      
23.    May 22    Assurance    §18, 19.1      
24.    May 24    Assurance    §19.2    homework #4  
—    May 27    no class; Memorial Day          
25.    May 29    Evaluation standards    §21      
26.    May 31    The insider problem    [BEP+08, BBSH+09]      
27.    Jun 3    Attack models    [TL00]      
28.    Jun 5    Application: electronic voting systems          
—    Jun 6            homework #5  
—    Jun 8    Final examination period        completed project  


Brian M. Bowen, Malek Ben Salem, Shlomo Hershkop, Angelos D. Keromytis, and Salvatore J. Stolfo. Designing host and network sensors to mitigate the insider threat. IEEE Security and Privacy, 7(6):22–29, November 2009.
Michael Backes, Markus Dümuth, and Dominique Unruh. Information flow in the peer-reviewing process. In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, pages 187–191, May 2007.
Matt Bishop, Sophie Engle, Sean Peisert, Sean Whalen, and Carrie Gates. We have met the enemy and he is us. In Proceedings of the 2008 Workshop on New Security Paradigms, NSPW ’08, pages 1–12, New York, NY, USA, Sep. 2008. ACM.
Matt Bishop. Conspiracy and information flow in the take-grant protection model. Journal of Computer Security, 4(4):331–359, 1996.
Calvin Ko and Timothy Redmond. Noninterference and intrusion detection. In Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, pages 177–187, May 2002.
H. Mantel. On the composition of secure systems. In Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, pages 88–101, May 2002.
Gaurav Shah, Andreas Molina, and Matt Blaze. Keyboards and covert channels. In Proceedings of the 15th USENIX Security Symposium, page 5, Berkeley, CA, USA, 2006. USENIX Association.
Steven J. Templeton and Karl Levitt. A requires/provides model for computer attacks. In Proceedings of the 2000 New Security Paradigms Workshop, NSPW ’00, pages 31–38, New York, NY, USA, 2000. ACM.
Thomas Walcott and Matt Bishop. Traducement: A model for record security. ACM Transactions on Information System Security, 7(4):576–590, 2004.
Xinwen Zhang, Yingjiu Li, and Divya Nalla. An attribute-based access control matrix model. In Proceedings of the 2005 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC ’05, pages 359–363, New York, NY, USA, 2005. ACM.

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