January 11, 2019 Outline

Reading:text, § 3.3–3.4
Due: Homework #1, due January 23

  1. can•steal(r, x, y, G0) definition and theorem
  2. Conspiracy
    1. What is of interest?
    2. Access, deletion sets
    3. Conspiracy graph
    4. Number of conspirators
  3. Schematic Protection Model
    1. Protection type, ticket, function, link predicate, filter function
    2. Take-Grant as an instance of SPM
    3. Create rules and attenuation
  4. Safety analysis
    1. Definitions
    2. pathh predicate
    3. Capacity flow function
    4. Maximal state: definition, existence, derivability

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Matt Bishop
Office: 2209 Watershed Science
Phone: +1 (530) 752-8060
Email: mabishop@ucdavis.edu
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Version of January 11, 2019 at 2:23PM