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CW"e }?H =c%'?H CW#e }H =e&(H CW$e }H =g')H CW%e }d =j(.d DW&eCharacter Macros HHˆ;"HHˆ+Ge HHˆ;$3HHˆ**l}?d =l?d DW'e }d =nd DW(e }? =p)/? EW)e Character }?H =r.0?H EW*e Replace With }H =t/1H EW+e Comments }? =v0B? FW,e HUV ;.HUV 3Ge HUV ;05+HUV 22l H$ ;1H$ 5Ge H$ ;33H$ 44l HHˆ;4HHˆr007  ` Homework #1  `4Due Date : Tuesday, February 8, 2000 at 11:59PM >`Points : 100  ` ! t( 20 points ) The following table shows domains and ranges for a system of processes along with known prece@dence constraints: 0*`  process  p 1  p 2  p 3  p 4  p 5  p 6  p 7 1t`1 domain  v 5  v 1 ,  v 7  v 4  v 4 ,  v 8  v 2  v 3  v 4 2`C range  v 4 ,  v 7  v 5  v 6  v 2  v 1 ,  v 3  v 5  v 5 ,  v 8 3` preceded by  p 1  p 1  p 2  p 3  p 3  p 4 ,  p 6 4UU fAdd the minimum number of precedence constraints to make this system of processes determinate. Do not @remove any constraints. L ;( 26 points ) For a semaphore  s , define: 0L C init [ s ] is the initial value of  s ; i start_down [ s ] is the number of times  down ( s ) has been started; m end_down [ s ] is the number of times  down ( s ) has been completed; and e end_up [ s ] is the number of times  up ( s ) has been completed. !A useful semaphore invariant is:   end_down [ s ] = min( start_down [ s ],  init [ s ] +  end_up [ s ]); Show that X0  end_down [ empty ]  end_down [ full ]  n ofor the version of the producer-consumer solution using semaphores in the handout  Process Synchronization @and Communication , p. 11. 6=x z( 14 points ) Indicate how each of the following items could be incorporated in the monitor mechanism (a sentence Iw@Kor two for each is sufficient; you do not have to show an implementation). UB`type of request 8aA`× at which the requests were made 9`request parameters :`process information ;`priority relation <`local state of resource =`history information 73`y( 20 points ) Show that the  ordered request policy  of Havender prevents deadlocks (text, problem 3.4). 5 z( 20 points ) Given that the mutual exclusion, hold and wait, and no preemption conditions are in place, consider 0qthe following strategy: All processes are given unique priorities. When more than one process is waiting for a qresource and the resource becomes available, allocate the resource to the waiting process with the highest prior@oity. Either prove this prevents deadlock or give an example in which this strategy does not prevent deadlock. ?$` Extra Credit @ w( 10 points ) (Tanenbaum) Cinderella and the Prince are getting divorced. To divide their property, they have p nagreed on the following algorithm. Every morning, each one may send a letter to the other's lawyer requesting uone item of property. Since it takes a day for letters to be delivered, they have agreed that if both discover that qthey have requested the same item on the same day, the next day they will send a letter cancelling the request. mAmong their property is their dog, Woofer, Woofer's doghouse, their canary Tweeter, and Tweeter's cage. The sanimals love their houses, so it has been agreed that any division of property separating an animal from its house qis invalid, requiring the whole division to start over from scratch. Both Cinderella and the Prince desperately lwant Woofer. So they can go on (separate) vacations, each spouse has programmed a personal computer to hanodle the negotiation. When they come back from vacation, the computers are still negotiating. Why? Is deadlock @!possible? Starvation? Discuss. HHˆ;6HHˆ66 lH$ @5!:H$ 99l H$ @6!H$ 8Wl8January 25, 2000ECS 251 Winter 2000Page  1  HUV @7!8HHUV GGl}? A|@<? GWDe }?H A~;=?H GWEe- }H A<H GWFe }? AK?? HWGe }?H A>@?H HWHe-- }H A?;H HWIe }? ANJ? 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