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( 20 points ) Which of the following statements concerning the total ordering relation    are true? Justify your @ answers. 0`rAn event  a  that happened before event  b  in physical time will always satisfy a    b. !1 vIf every process increments its logical clock by a different number, the total ordering relation    will not @hold. 2`rIf the delay of message transfer varies from time to time, the total ordering relation    will not hold. 3 nIf the total ordering of processes << changes during the operation of the system, the total ordering relation @  will not hold. k u( 30 points ) In class, someone suggested that Haungs termination detection algorithm could be done using a 0jmcounter to avoid the need of breaking the weights up. Present a protocol for termination detection that uses lcounters instead of weights. Compare your protocol to Huangs by looking at the number of messages sent durping a distributed computation, and any assumptions about the lifetime of processes participating in the computa@tion. 4D2 ( 30 points ) If a site  S  has to broadcase a message  m  to a set of sites, will the Schiper-Eggli-Sandoz causal orderpD1sing protocol work properly without modification? If your answer is yes, justify it. If your answer is no, give an pexplicit example of the failure, and give the necessary modifications to the algorithm to correctly handle this @case. 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