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Unlike non-token-based ones, it uses the tokens being possessed by a site to provide I@]ordering of requests. Clocks and virtual time do not play a role; but order of arrival does. -b` Notation .t`n  processes /*`p i  process 0`xR i [ j ] largest sequence number  p i  has received in a REQUEST message from  p j 1`aL [ i ] sequence number of request that  p i  has most recently executed 2UU`2Q  queue (sequence) of sites requesting token 3*`T  = (Q, L) token 4` Protocol 5** To request entry, if  p i  does not have the token, it increments its sequence number  R i [ i ] and then sends @eREQUEST( i ,  s ),  s  =  R i [ i ], to all other sites. 6 " -When  p i  receives REQUEST( i ,  s ) from  p j ,  p i  sets  R i [ j ] = max( R i [ j ],  s ). If  p i  has the token and  R i [ j ] =  L [ j ] + 1, it ]@&sends the token to  p j . 7({`kIf  p i  is requesting entry and it has or receives the token, it enters the critical section. 8`@When  p i  finishes executing the critical section: 9`Cit sets  L [ i ] =  R i [ i ]; :R3 `0for every  j  not in  Q  and for which  R i [ j ] =  L [ j ] + 1,  p i  appends  j  to  Q ; and ;`if  Q  is not empty,  p i  deletes the first element  f  of  Q  and sends the token to  p f . <{3`Example =*ݭ`5There are three processes,  p 1 ,  p 2 , and  p 3 .  p 1  and  p 3  seek mutually exclusive access to a shared resource. UU QInitially:the token is at p2 and the tokens state is L = [0, 0, 0] and Q empty; @vp1s state is C1 = 0, R1 = [0, 0, 0]; p3s state is C1 = 0, R2 = [0, 0, 0]; and p3s state is C3 = 0, R3 = [0, 0, 0]  `Fp1 sends R(1, 1) to p2 and p3; p1s state is C1 = 1, R1 = [ 1, 0, 0 ]  `Fp3 sends R(3, 1) to p1 and p2; p3s state is C3 = 1, R3 = [ 0, 0, 1 ]  `Sp2 receives R(1, 1) from p1; p2s state is C2 = 1, R2 = [ 1, 0, 0 ], holding token >`p2 sends the token to p1  `Dp1 receives R(3, 1) from p3; p1s state is C1 = 1, R1 = [ 1, 0, 1 ] `Dp3 receives R(1, 1) from p1; p3s state is C3 = 1, R3 = [ 1, 0, 1 ] `p1 receives the token from p2 `p1 enters the critical section `dp1 exits the critical section  and sets the tokens state to L = [ 1, 0, 0 ] and Q = ( 3 )  `}p1sends the token to p3; p1s state is C1 = 2, R1 = [ 1, 0, 1 ], holding token, tokens state is L = [ 1, 0, 0 ] and Q empty `Up3 receives the token from p1; p3s state is C3 = 1, R3 = [ 1, 0, 1 ], holding token `p3 enters the critical section `]p3 exits the critical section  and sets the tokens state to L = [ 1, 0, 1 ] and Q empty C` HHˆXeHHˆ7t ld@48H}?H =[ #?H ;We Replace With }H =]"$H ;W eHead }H =_#%H ;W!e Comments }? =a$&? CW"e }?H =c%'?H CW#e }H =e&(H CW$e }H =g')H CW%e }d =j(.d DW&eCharacter Macros HHˆ;"HHˆ+Ge HHˆ;$3HHˆ**l}?d =l?d DW'e }d =nd DW(e }? =p)/? EW)e Character }?H =r.0?H EW*e Replace With }H =t/1H EW+e Comments }? =v0B? FW,e HUV ;.HUV 3Ge HUV ;05+HUV 22l H$ ;1H$ 5Ge H$ ;33H$ 44l HHˆ;4HHˆ[37  `Outline for February 13, 2001 `Greetings and felicitations! du`#Suzuki-Kasamis broadcast protocol e` token-based fOD?`"uses sequence numbers, not clocks g`-token has sequence numbers, associated queue h`?how to handle stale requests? tokens sequence number too high is`Raymonds tree-based protocol j` token-based k`5think of token as at root of tree, root moves around `.Distributed Agreement Protocols: system model `synchronous vs. asynchronous `8different types of failure (crash, omission, malicious) 0`authentication `AClassification: agreement (on value), validity (the right value) 1`[Byzantine problem (all agree, initial value of source); review Byzantine Generals problem 2``consensus problem (all agree, if initial value of nodes is same, the final value is that value) !3 interactive consistency problem (all agree on same vector, if  i th processor non-faulty,  i th element of vector is @the value of that node) 4` relationship 5`Solution to Byzantine Problem 6`jCan show: if 3 m +1 processors, at most  m  can be faulty or agreement cannot be reached. 7`!Demonstration with 3 processors. 8` Lamport-Shostak-Pease algorithm `9Application: clock synchronization in the face of faults `"interactive convergence algorithm A`"interactive consistency algorithm HHˆ;6HHˆ 66 lH$ @5!:H$ 99l H$ @6!H$ 8WlV Fault-Tolerant Clock SynchronizationECS 251 Winter 2001Page  8  HUV @7!8HHUV GGldZb== HHˆZc;HHˆF$00= `Example  * DThere are six processes,  p 1  through  p 6 .  p 1  and  p 5  seek mutually exclusive access to a shared resource, and later  p 3  will UU@ request it. 1 Initially: p4 has the token; .p1s state is C1 = 0, HOLDER2 = p3, Q1 empty .p2s state is C2 = 0, HOLDER2 = p3, Q2 empty .p3s state is C3 = 0, HOLDER3 = p4, Q3 empty =p4s state is C4 = 0, HOLDER4 = p4, Q4 empty, holding token .p5s state is C5 = 0, HOLDER5 = p4, Q5 empty @.p6s state is C6 = 0, HOLDER6 = p5, Q6 empty )`Dp1 sends Q(1) to p3; p1s state is C1 = 1, HOLDER2 = p3, Q1 = Q(1). `Dp5 sends Q(5) to p4; p5s state is C5 = 1, HOLDER5 = p4, Q5 = Q(5). `Hp3 receives Q(1) from p1; p3s state is C3 = 0, HOLDER3 = p4, Q3 empty. %`Dp3 sends Q(3) to p4; p3s state is C3 = 1, HOLDER3 = p4, Q3 = Q(1). &`Wp4 receives Q(5) from p5; p4s state is C4 = 0, HOLDER4 = p4, Q4 empty, holding token. ?`Dp4 sends token to p5; p4s state is C4 = 1, HOLDER4 = p5, Q4 empty. @`Hp4 receives Q(3) from p3; p4s state is C4 = 1, HOLDER4 = p5, Q4 empty. A`Dp4 sends Q(4) to p5; p4s state is C4 = 2, HOLDER4 = p5, Q4 = Q(3). B`Jp5 receives token from p4; p5s state is C5 = 1, HOLDER5 = p4, Q5 = Q(5). C`Bp5 resets state to C5 = 1, HOLDER5 = p4, Q5 empty, holding token. D`p5 enters the critical section F`p5 leaves the critical section G`Wp5 receives Q(4) from p4; p5s state is C5 = 1, HOLDER5 = p4, Q5 empty, holding token. U`Dp5 sends token to p4; p5s state is C5 = 2, HOLDER5 = p4, Q5 empty. H`Ip3 sends Q(3) to p4; p3s state is C3 = 2, HOLDER3 = p4, Q3 = Q(1) Q(3). ^`Ip4 receives Q(3) from p3; p4s state is C4 = 2, HOLDER4 = p5, Q4 = Q(3). d`ep4s state is C4 = 3, HOLDER4 = p5, Q4 = Q(3)Q(3) [it sends nothing as it is waiting for a response] e`^p4 receives token from p5; p4s state is C4 = 3, HOLDER4 = p5, Q4 = Q(3) Q(3), holding token. f`Ep4 sends token to p3; p4s state is C4 = 3, HOLDER4 = p3, Q4 = Q(3). h`Dp4 sends Q(4) to p3; p4s state is C4 = 3, HOLDER4 = p3, Q4 = Q(3). ~`^p3 receives token from p4; p3s state is C3 = 2, HOLDER3 = p4, Q3 = Q(1) Q(3), holding token. i`Ep3 sends token to p1; p3s state is C3 = 3, HOLDER3 = p1, Q3 = Q(3). j`Dp3 sends Q(3) to p1; p3s state is C3 = 4, HOLDER3 = p1, Q3 = Q(3). l`Yp1 receives token from p3; p1s state is C1 = 1, HOLDER1 = p3, Q1 = Q(1), holding token. m`Bp1 resets state to C1 = 1, HOLDER1 = p3, Q1 empty, holding token. n`p1 enters the critical section o`p1 leaves the critical section p`Wp1 receives Q(3) from p4; p1s state is C1 = 1, HOLDER1 = p3, Q1 empty, holding token. q`Dp1 sends token to p3; p1s state is C1 = 2, HOLDER1 = p3, Q1 empty. r`Yp3 receives token from p1; p3s state is C3 = 4, HOLDER3 = p1, Q3 = Q(3), holding token. `Np3 receives Q(4) from p4; p3s state is C3 = 4, HOLDER3 = p1, Q3 = Q(3) Q(4).  `4p3 resets state to C3 = 4, HOLDER3 = p1, Q3 = Q(4).  `p3 enters the critical section  `p3 leaves the critical section k`Sp3 sends token to p4; p3s state is C3 = 5, HOLDER3 = p4, Q3 empty, holding token. `Xp4 receives token from p3; p4s state is p4s state is C4 = 3, HOLDER4 = p3, Q4 = Q(3). `Dp4 sends token to p3; p4s state is C4 = 4, HOLDER4 = p3, Q4 empty. A`Ip3 receives token from p4; p3s state is C3 = 5, HOLDER5 = p4, Q3 empty. HHˆZe;HHˆt@<< ldb@@ HHˆb>HHˆ.r%%@: ` Lamport-Shostak-Pease Algorithm ;,` Introduction < This is a recursive protocol. It requires 3 m +1 processors where at most  m  are faulty. It consists of two protocols, the I@}base protocol and the inductive protocol. To run it, determine  m  from  n  and invoke OM( m ).  =b` Notation >t`n  processes ?*`p i  process @O`Protocol OM(0) A`5The source process sends its value to all processes. C`hEach process uses the value it receives from the source. If it receives no value, it uses a value of 0. BM`/Protocol OM( m ),  m  > 0  D`5The source process sends its value to all processes. E* 1Let  v i  be the value process  p i  receives from the source. (If it receives no value, then take  v i  = 0.) Process  p i  iniUU@ltiates OM( m 1) with itself as the source and the other  n 2 processes as the recipients. * 3Process  p i  uses the the value majority( v 1 , ,  v n 1 ), where  v i  is the value received in step 2 from the source proUU1@Dcess and the others are the values received from OM( m 1). N5`Example 9F0 yThere are four processes, p0 through p3. They wish to agree on a value 0 or 1. Let p0 be the initiator, and it has value R/@)1. Assume all processes are non-faulty. H`p0 invokes OM(1) F`p0 sends 1 to p1, p2, and p3. I`*p1 receives 1 from p0 and invokes OM(0). J`p1 sends 1 to p2 and p3. K`p2 receives value 1. L`p3 receives value 1. M`*p2 receives 1 from p0 and invokes OM(0). O`p2 sends 1 to p1 and p3. P`p1 receives value 1. Q`p3 receives value 1. R`*p3 receives 1 from p0 and invokes OM(0). S`p3 sends 1 to p1 and p2. T`p1 receives value 1. U`p2 receives value 1. V`Kp1 computes majority (1, 1, 1) and takes the value at the source to be 1. W`Kp2 computes majority (1, 1, 1) and takes the value at the source to be 1. X`Kp3 computes majority (1, 1, 1) and takes the value at the source to be 1. AG` HHˆb>HHˆ=K?? ldbKK }?H =x1C?H FW-e¢ }H =zB2H FW.e d=~EEd=DdFF l d=Dd& zrE zupkfa\WRMHC>vCFILORUX[^adgjmpsy| %).12/,)&# HUV @8!HUV :WlCLast modified at 3:59 pm on Thursday, February 15, 2001 HHˆ@9!:HHˆII l HHˆ@:!HHˆHW` HHˆbAHHˆ&&KY`5Now assume p2 is faulty and will send a bogus value. [`p0 invokes OM(1) \`p0 sends 1 to p1, p2, and p3. ]`*p1 receives 1 from p0 and invokes OM(0). ^`p1 sends 1 to p2 and p3. _`p2 receives value 1. ``p3 receives value 1. a`*p2 receives 1 from p0 and invokes OM(0). b`p2 sends 0 to p1 and p3. c`p1 receives value 0. l`p3 receives value 0. m`*p3 receives 1 from p0 and invokes OM(0). n`p3 sends 1 to p1 and p2. o`p1 receives value 1. p`p2 receives value 1. q`Kp1 computes majority (1, 0, 1) and takes the value at the source to be 1. r`Kp2 computes majority (1, 1, 1) and takes the value at the source to be 1. s`Kp3 computes majority (1, 0, 1) and takes the value at the source to be 1. ` t`6Now assume p0 is faulty and will send a random value. u`p0 invokes OM(1) v`&p0 sends 1 to p1 and 0 to p2 and p3. w`*p1 receives 1 from p0 and invokes OM(0). x`p1 sends 1 to p2 and p3. y`p2 receives value 1. z`p3 receives value 1. {`*p2 receives 0 from p0 and invokes OM(0). |`p2 sends 0 to p1 and p3. }`p1 receives value 0. ~`p3 receives value 0. `*p3 receives 0 from p0 and invokes OM(0). `p3 sends 0 to p1 and p2. `p1 receives value 0. `p2 receives value 0. `Kp1 computes majority (1, 0, 0) and takes the value at the source to be 0. `Kp2 computes majority (1, 0, 0) and takes the value at the source to be 0. `Kp3 computes majority (1, 0, 0) and takes the value at the source to be 0. AZ`XIn this case agreement is reached, but as the source is faulty the result is not valid. HHˆbAHHˆ@NJJ ldcNN HHˆcLHHˆ7$$N `%Fault-Tolerant Clock Synchronization ,` Introduction  uThe goal is to synchronize the time of clocks on different systems. The protocol includes both faulty and non-faulty 0Iclocks. The assumptions are that initially all clocks are synchronized to within some small value  d , that non-faulty {clocks run at the correct rate (that is, one tick per second), and a nonfaulty process can read a non-faulty clock with an @Perror of at most  e . In what follows, we shall assume  e  = 0. $z` Notation '`n  processes (*`p i  process  M`!Interactive Convergence Protocol !`This assumes that no two non-faulty clocks differ by more than  d . All processes execute this protocol simultaneously. "* p i  obtains the value of the other processes clocks (for example, by using the OM( m ) protocol). Call these values UH@$v 1 , ,  v n . #`2For all  j  <  n , if | v j   v i | > d, set  v j  =  v i . Otherwise,  v j  =  v j . )`PSet  p i s clock to ( j   v j )/ n . E*`Example I*->`vSuppose  p 0 ,  p 1 ,  p 2 , and  p 3  wish to synchronize their clocks. Take  d  = 10,  C 0  = 2,  C 1  = 5, C 2  = 8, and  C 3  = 10. Then: JUU;`Vafter this protocol is used, all the clocks are set to (2 + 5 + 8 + 10)/4 = 25/4 = 6. K*G`\Now suppose  p 3 s clock is faulty and drifts to  C 3  = 25. Then: LU`,C 0  = (2 + 5 + 8 + 2)/4 = 17/4 = 4 M`,C 1  = (2 + 5 + 8 + 5)/4 = 20/4 = 5 N`,C 2  = (2 + 5 + 8 + 8)/4 = 23/4 = 6 O`After the next round, assuming  p 3  reports any value  d  away from  C 0 ,  C 1 , and  C 2 : P`,C 0  = (4 + 5 + 6 + 4)/4 = 19/4 = 5 Q`,C 1  = (4 + 5 + 6 + 5)/4 = 20/4 = 5 R`,C 2  = (4 + 5 + 6 + 6)/4 = 21/4 = 5 T HNow assume  C 3  is a two-faced clock. The danger is that  p 3  will report a value within  d  of  C 1  to  p 1 , and not within  d  of @eC 0  and  C 2 . So, begin with the same values as above, except that  p 3  reports  C 3  = 1 to  p 1  and  C 3  = 25 to  p 0  and  p 2 : W`,C 0  = (2 + 5 + 8 + 2)/4 = 17/4 = 4 X`,C 1  = (2 + 5 + 8 + 1)/4 = 16/4 = 4 Y`,C 2  = (2 + 5 + 8 + 8)/4 = 23/4 = 6 V`At the next round,  p 3  reports  C 3  = 15 to  p 2  and  C 3  = 0 to  p 0  and  p 1 . [`,C 0  = (4 + 4 + 6 + 0)/4 = 14/4 = 4 \`,C 1  = (4 + 4 + 6 + 0)/4 = 14/4 = 4 ]`-C 2  = (4 + 4 + 6 + 15)/4 = 29/4 = 7 CZ`By continuing in this fashion,  p 3  can prevent the value of the clocks of the non-faulty processors from converging. HHˆcLHHˆKQMM lddQQ HHˆdOHHˆ##QS`!Interactive Consistency Protocol ``This assumes that no two non-faulty clocks differ by more than  d . All processes execute this protocol simultaneously. a* p i  obtains the value of the other processes clocks (for example, by using the OM( m ) protocol). Call these values @$v 1 , ,  v n . c`XSet  p i s clock to the median of  v 1 , ,  v n . g_`Example *q*`vSuppose  p 0 ,  p 1 ,  p 2 , and  p 3  wish to synchronize their clocks. Take  d  = 10,  C 0  = 2,  C 1  = 5, C 2  = 8, and  C 3  = 10. Then: UU~`eafter this protocol is used, all the clocks are set to  median (2,5, 8, 10) = (5 + 8)/2 = 6. *`\Now suppose  p 3 s clock is faulty and drifts to  C 3  = 25. Then: B`=C 0  =  median (2, 5, 8, 25) = (5 + 8)/2 = 6 `=C 1  =  median (2, 5, 8, 25) = (5 + 8)/2 = 6 `=C 2  =  median (2, 5, 8, 25) = (5 + 8)/2 = 6  0Now assume  C 3  is a two-faced clock. Begin with the same values as above, except that  p 3  reports  C 3  = 1 to  p 1  and @_C 3  = 25 to  p 0  and  p 2 . All apply an agreement protocol: _`p 3  invokes OM(1) b`T p 3  sends 1 to p1 and 25 to  p 0  and  p 2 . `I p 0  receives 25 from  p 3  and invokes OM(0).  `I p 0  sends 25 to  p 1  and  p 2 . !`' p 1  receives value 25. "`' p 2  receives value 25. `H p 1  receives 1 from  p 3  and invokes OM(0). `H p 1  sends 1 to  p 0  and  p 2 . `& p 0  receives value 1. `& p 2  receives value 1. #`:p2 receives 25 from  p 3  and invokes OM(0). $`I p 2  sends 25 to  p 0  and  p 1 . %`' p 0  receives value 25. &`' p 1  receives value 25. '`] p 0  computes majority (25, 1, 25) and takes the value at the source to be 25. (`] p 1  computes majority (25, 1, 25) and takes the value at the source to be 25. *`] p 2  computes majority (25, 1, 25) and takes the value at the source to be 25. `=C 0  =  median (2, 5, 8, 25) = (5 + 8)/2 = 6 `=C 1  =  median (2, 5, 8, 25) = (5 + 8)/2 = 6 `=C 2  =  median (2, 5, 8, 25) = (5 + 8)/2 = 6 K+UU`*Notice that all arrive at the same value. HHˆdOHHˆNPP l dXtt HHˆXrHHˆ!ts `Raymonds Tree-Based Protocol t,` Introduction u tThis is a token-based protocol. The nodes are arranged in a binary tree, and one acquires the token by going up the I@ytree. The token is always kept at the root, so the tree needs to rearrange itself as the token floats from site to site. vb` Notation wt`n  processes x*`p i  process y`TQ i  request queue (sequence) of sites associated with process  p i z`BH i  holder variable associated with process  p i {UU`T  token |` Protocol }** To request entry, if  p i  does not have the token, it sends a REQUEST( i ) message to the node named in  H i  unless Q i  is not empty (because then it has already sent a REQUEST( i ) but has not yet received the token). It adds the @request to  Q i .  ^`MWhen  p i  receives REQUEST( j ) from  p j :  if  p i  does not have the token, it places the REQUEST( j ) on  Q i  and sends a REQUEST( i ) message along (proUU&@Pvided that it is not waiting for a response to an earlier REQUEST( i ). *2`mif  p i  has the token, it sends the token to  p j  and sets  H i  to j. A`BIf  p i  is requesting entry and receives the token:  Iif  i  is not the first entry in  Q i , it deletes the first entry  j  from  Q i  and forwards the token to  p j . It then sets  H i  to ][@nj . If  Q i  is not empty,  p i  sends REQUEST( i ) to  p j . `if  i  is the first entry in  Q i ,  p i  deletes  i  from  Q i  and enters the critical section. x`@When  p i  finishes executing the critical section: `-if  Q i  is not empty, it deletes the first entry  j  from  Q i , sends the token to  p j , and sets  H i  to  j Q;`sif after step a  Q i  is not empty,  p i  sends REQUEST( i ) to  p j . HHˆXrHHˆ =ss l|.} ? Eu($ ? LWe }? H Ew#%? H LWe... } H Ey$ H LWe }? E{+'? MWe }?H E}&(?H MWe- }H E'#H MWe }? E.*? NWe }?H E)+?H NWe-- }H E*&H NWe }? E1-? OWe }?H E,.?H OWe° }H E-)H OWe }? E40? PWe }?H E/1?H PWe® }H E0,H PWe }? EC3? 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