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(text, problem 6.7, p. 149) ! dRecall that two basic assumptions of Lamports algorithm (or any other distributed mutual exclusion algorithm, for that matter) is that messages sent from process  p  to process  q  arrive in the order they are sent, and @Qif a message is sent then it will arrive ( i.e. , no messages are lost). /* Proof by contradiction. Suppose process  p 1  issues a request to enter the critical section at time  t 1 ,  p 2  issues a 0Csimilar request at time  t 2  with  t 1  <  t 2 , and  p 2  enters first. This means that  p 2 s request is at the head of its queue. As the queues are ordered by timestamp, this means  p 1 s request has not arrived. If  p 2  enters, though, it also received a message from  p 1  with a timestamp higher than  t 2 . This implies that  p 1 s request has a timestamp Shigher than  t 2  (which is false as  t 1  <  t 2 ) or  p 2  never received  p 1 s request. The latter is possible only if either  p 1 s request was lost, or messages from  p 1  to  p 2  arrive out of order. Both these contradict the above basic assump@[tions. Hence  p 2  cannot enter the critical section first, proving the claim. UU̳ |( 20 points ) Show that in the Ricart-Agrawala algorithm, the critical section is accessed according to the increas̲@=ing order of timestamps. (text, problem 6.5, part 1, p. 149) 1*} Proof by contradiction. Suppose process  p 1  issues a request to enter the critical section at time  t 1 ,  p 2  0Aissues a similar request at time  t 2  with  t 1  <  t 2 , and  p 2  enters first. This means that  p 2  has received reply messages from all other processes including  p 1 . But  p 1  will send such a message only if it is neither requesting nor executing the critical section (which is false) or if  p 2 s requests timestamp is smaller than that of  p 1 s request (which is "also false). Hence  p 1  will not send a reply to  p 2 s request, and so  p 2  cannot enter the critical section first. This UU@+contradicts hypothesis, proving the claim. G {( 30 points ) On p. 145, the text discusses the greedy strategy for Raymonds tree-based algorithm, and notes that 0Sqit can cause starvation. Please give an example of the application of this algorithm to a situation in which the @Ggreedy strategy causes starvation, but the regular algorithm does not. 0kݫ`KThere are two answers to this question, depending on how one views site. 12wݪ qIf there are multiple processes at each site, the processes can genetate a stream of requests to enter the critiycal section. As the greedy nature of the algorithm requires the site to honor requests generated at that site first, the @atoken stays at the site and any other site with a request to enter the critical section starves. !3 sIf there is a single process at each site, starvation will not occur. Observe that, after the process finishes exe~cuing in the critical section, the token will be forwarded as indicated by the  holdier  variable. Given this observa@\tion, the proof showing no starvation in both the greedy and non-greedy cases are the same. -2` Extra Credit .ݤ v( 30 points ) Does Maekawas algorithm access the critical section according to the increasing order of timesݣ@atamps? Either show that it does or provide a counterexample. (text, problem 6.5, part 2, p. 149) 4*n`HThe claim is false. Consider the following situation, with three sites: 5**m`3R 1  = {  S 1 ,  S 2  } R 2  = {  S 2 ,  S 3  } R 3  = {  S 1 ,  S 3  } 6UU`6These satisfy the conditions for Maekawas algorithm. 7*`Let the clocks at sites 1, 2, and 3 be  C 1  = 10,  C 2  = 20, and  C 3  = 30, respectively. Then: 8(`MS 2  sends REQUEST(2, 20) to  S 2  and  S 3  9`;S 2  receives REQUEST(2,20) from  S 2  ;`0S 2  sends REPLY(2, 21) to  S 2 <`5S 2  receives REPLY(2, 21) from  S 2 =`HS 3  sends REQUEST(3, 30) to  S 1  and  S 3 @`;S 3  receives REQUEST(3,30) from  S 3  A>`5S 3  sends REPLY(3, 31) to  S 3  HHˆ;6HHˆ66 l}?H D19?H  EW*e¢ }H D8RH  EW+a dDBBdA<@H$ A;>H$ == l H$ A;H$ <WDlHAnswers to Homework #3 ECS 251 Winter 2001Page  1  HUV A;<@HUV ?? l HUV A;HUV >WEl>Last modified at 4:45 pm on Monday, March 19, 2001 HHˆA;>HHˆAA l HHˆA;HHˆ@WFe dD:d!CC l dD:d@uB|wrmhc^vCFILORU%"X[^adgjmpsy| %).1ROLIF }?H F E?H  FWHe... }H FDH  FWJe }? FKG?  GWKe }?H FFH?H  GWLe- }H FG H  GWMe }? FNJ?  HWNe }?H FIK?H  HWOe-- }H FJFH  HWPe }? FQM?  IWQe }?H FLN?H  IWRe° }H FMIH  IWSe }? FTP?  JWTe }?H FOQ?H  JWUe® }H FPLH  JWVe }? F9S?  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