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EW)e HUV ;.HUV 3Ge HUV ;05+HUV 22l H$ ;1H$ 5Ge H$ ;33H$ 44l HHˆ;4HHˆ3'  7  ` Homework #1  `5Due Date : January 16, 2000 Points : 60 A@ x( 20 points ) In the example of virtual machines, with a compiler above an operating system above two levels of 0Lrvirtualizing kernel, how many privileged instructions would be executed at each level if the instruction executed @`by the compiler can be emulated without use of privileged instructions by the operating system? dw }( 20 points ) Is the following program properly nested? Please either show that it is by rewriting the program using  pv@nparbegin   parend , or prove that it is not properly nested. (The S i  are statements.) |` c4 := 2; :` c6 := 2; ;`S1; ` fork p1; 0`S3; 4` fork p2; 5`S5; 6` goto p4; 7` p1:S2; 8` goto p2; 9`p2:join c4, p3; <`quit =` p3:S4; >`p4:join c6, p5; ?`quit @`p5:S6 B`quit 8 ( 20 points ) Synchronization within monitors uses condition variables and two special operators,  wait  and  signal . 0D wA more general form of synchronization would be to have a single primitive,  waituntil , that had an arbitrary CBoolean predicate as parameter. Thus, one could say, for example, V waituntil   x  < 0  or   y  +  z  <  n @:The  signal  primitive would no longer be needed. 1t`CUse this more general form to solve the producer-consumer problem. 2`iIs this construct more, less, or as, powerful as using wait and signal (in Hoares version of monitors)? A3`-Why do you think it is not used in practice? 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