General Information Instructor Matt Bishop Office hours: MWF 12:00 noon - 1:00 PM, or by appointment Office: 3059 Engineering Unit II Email: Phone: (530) 752-8060 WWW: Note: If you send me email about the class, please make the subject begin with "ECS 251" to help me see it quickly! Lectures and Discussion Sections Lecture: TuTh 12:10PM-1:30PM in 1070 Bainer Discussion section: to be arranged Course Outline A survey of formal models for the study of operating systems. Modeling of parallel processes and their synchroniza- tion in terms of partial orderings and procedure relations. Deterministic and probabilistic models for the evaluation of system performance. Course Goals Some goals I hope you achieve: 1. understand how process synchronization works, and some of the mechanisms to achieve this; 2. learn about the various models of deadlock; 3. learn about distributed systems and the algorithms they use; and 4. learn the very basics of computer security and cryptography (enough to interest you in ECS 222 and ECS 253, for example...). Course Prerequisites I expect you to be comfortable with the following concepts and able to do the following: 1. Operating systems, as covered in ECS 150 or ECS 151AB; and 2. Basic probability theory, as covered in Math 131 or Stat 131A. Text Mukesh Singhal and Niranjan G. Shivaratri, Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, NY (1994). Course Web Page, Handouts, and Newsgroup The web page contains links to course handouts. Information about this class, homework assignments, office hours, and so forth, will be posted to the web page. Announcements, information about assignments, and other important messages will be posted to the ucd.class.ecs251 newsgroup. Read this newsgroup daily, especially near the time assignments are due. You are responsible for everything posted. This newsgroup is not for discussion about the class, for but information from the instructor or teaching assistants to you. If you want to post things about the class, please use the discussion newsgroup ucd.class.ecs251.d. Discussing some- thing in this group is perfectly fair! Homework Assignments There will be several homework assignments. The due date will be on each assignment. Because we must cover so much material, it is imperative you keep up with the class and labs. As this is a graduate class, I expect that each of you can keep charge of your own time, and get assignments in on time. So I will not penalize you for late assign- ments, but I reserve the right to change this policy if the class abuses it! So please get work in on time. The handout All About Homework has more information on how to turn in homework and what I expect. Please sub- mit your homework electronically as described in that handout; I will not accept handwritten assignments. Also, please think your answers through before writing them down in final form. A request for a discussion should be treated as an essay question, with a main theme and arguments for and against the answer. It is fair to present the fac- tors that affect your answer; it is not acceptable to begin by giving one answer in the introduction and a different answer in the conclusion! (Yes, you'll lose points.) Always show your work; if you simply write down a correct answer and do not show how you got that answer, you will not get any credit (even if your answer is right). Grading 33% Homework 34% Project 33% Final Extra Credit Some of the assignments may include suggestions for extra credit. Extra credit scores are kept separate from regular scores. If you end up on a borderline between two grades at the end of the course, extra credit will count in your favor. However, failure to do extra credit will never count against you, since grades are assigned on the basis of regular scores. You should do extra credit if you find it interesting and think it might teach you something. But it never pays to skimp on the regular assignment in order to do extra credit. Academic Integrity Please see the Winter 2001 Class Schedule and Room Directory for a general discussion of this. In particular: · All work submitted for credit must be your own. You may discuss your assignments with classmates or me to get ideas or a critique of your ideas, but the ideas and words you submit must be your own. Unless explicitly stated otherwise in the assignment, collaboration is cheating and will be dealt with accordingly. · You must write up your own homework solutions and may neither read nor copy another student's solutions. A good analogy between appropriate discussion and inappropriate collaboration is the following: you and a fellow student work for competing software companies developing products to meet a given specification. You and your competitor might choose to discuss product specifications and general techniques employed in your products, but you certainly would not discuss or exchange proprietary information revealing details of your products. Ask the instructor for clarification beforehand if the above rules are not clear. Syllabus Week #1. January 4-5, 2000 Topics: Introduction and overview Reading: Singhal and Shivaratri, §1 Week #2. January 8-12, 2000 Topics: Process synchronization Reading: Singhal and Shivaratri, §2, §4.7 Week #3. January 15-19, 2000 Topics: Deadlock Reading: Singhal and Shivaratri, §3 Week #4. January 22-26, 2000 Topics: Foundations of distributed systems Reading: Singhal and Shivaratri, §4.1-4.7, §5 Week #5. January 29-February 2, 2000 Topics: Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithms Reading: Singhal and Shivaratri, §6 Week #6. February 5-February 9, 2000 Topics: Distributed Deadlock Detection Reading: Singhal and Shivaratri, §7 Week #7. February 12-February 16, 2000 Topics: Distributed Agreement Protocols Reading: Singhal and Shivaratri, §8 Week #8. February 19-February 23, 2000 Topics: Protection in Operating Systems Reading: Singhal and Shivaratri, §14 Week #9. February 26-March 2, 2000 Topics: Cryptography Reading: Singhal and Shivaratri, §15 Week #10. March 5-9, 2000 Topics: to be determined Reading: to be determined project presentations will be this week Lectures Because I teach to the students, and not to the syllabus, these dates and topics are tentative and subject to change without warning. In particular, if I don't discuss something you're interested in, ask about it! I may very well add it or modify what I'm covering to include it. Tentative Nature of This Syllabus This syllabus is tentative, and I reserve the right to change it as seems appropriate. So, I really will welcome any feed- back, or expressions of interest, in other areas (or in these areas). Project Introduction The goal of this project is to have you look at various operating systems and see how they handled various aspects of system management. You can choose from a modern operating system, or one of historical interest. What To Do Often, operating systems developers forget about the myriad of approaches that have been tried in the past. Some suc- ceeded beyond their expectations; others failed. This project gives you a chance to look at some of these failures, suc- cesses, and ongoing efforts. You are to write a paper about an operating system or distributed system. Your paper is to do at least the following: 1. Describe the goals of the system and the environment(s) for which it was created; 2. Present an overview of the full system. 3. Describe the operating system's design and implementation. Discuss how and why the designers made the choices they did. How well did the system work? If the technology or state of our knowledge has changed since the system was implemented, what would alternative designs and implementations be? Be detailed. If the system is very large and complex, you may choose to focus on two or three components in this part rather than the entire system. But explain how they interact with other parts. 4. Conclude by describing what we learned from the system, and how it influenced other systems. The level of the paper should be that of a paper for the journal Computing Surveys. (If you've never read articles from that journal, I highly recommend you do so. It's available at the campus library; if you're off campus, any good sci- ence library should carry it.) In particular, assume your reader is very knowledgeable about computer systems in gen- eral, has a basic knowledge of operating systems, compilers, programming languages, and networks, but has never heard of the system about which you are writing. Some example systems are listed below. Please send me the information in step 1 as quickly as possible, because I want groups to work on different operating systems. I won't reserve systems, so you need to get the information in to pick one! Example Systems The following is a list of some operating systems you may want to write about. If one you want to tackle isn't here, please feel free to propose it. However, please do not suggest a version of the UNIX operating system unless it differs radically from wither the Berkeley or System V releases (and when you propose it, explain how it differs and why you want to study it, and especially what you expect to learn from it). · Atlas · Multics · HYDRA · RSTS-11 and/or RSX-11 · TOPS-10 · TENEX and/or TOPS-20 · VAX/VMS · OS/360 and/or OS/370 · ITS · LOCUS · MV/VMS, VM/370, and/or CMS · X-kernel · KeyKOS · EROS · Amoeba · Mach Step #1: Split up into teams and choose your system You are to split up into working groups of between 2 and 4 people. Each group is to choose one operating system. Please send email to containing the following: 1. Group members' names and email addresses; 2. The name of the operating system, the vendor who developed it, and the system(s) on which it ran; and 3. At least 3 references to technical papers or technical information on the web about the system. By "technical information" I mean information about the inner working of the system, not marketing or sales literature! Due Date: January 12, 2000 Step #2: Prepare the paper Please write the paper. In addition to the technical material, please put effort into your writing. Although this is a group project and hence group authorship, make your styles as consistent as possible. If the writing is poor, I reserve the right to lower your grade! Due Date: March 8, 2000 (last day of classes) Step #3: Prepare your presentation During the last two class periods, each group will give a 10 minute presentation on their project. You won't be able to present everything you do, obviously. There are two strategies. You can simply summarize the high points of the sys- tem and its basic design, or you can spend 1 or 2 minutes giving an overview and spend the rest of the time focusing on one particular component. Either is fine, but I will enforce the 10-minute limit. Due Date: last two class days Grading The parts of the project are weighted as follows: Step #1 (team selection and three references): 10% Step #2 (paper): 70% Step #3 (presentation): 20% All About Homework This handout describes some general thoughts and techniques for doing homework, as well as what is required, how to submit it, and other administrative matters. Turning In Homework All homework is due at noon on the due date, unless noted otherwise on the assignment. (This way, you have no incentive to skip the class while finishing your homework at the last minute!) These will be graded and returned to you as quickly as possible; we'll try for three class periods, but can't guarantee it . For written homework, you must turn in an ASCII, a PostScript, or a PDF version of your answers (you can use any text processor you like to generate these). If you submit PostScript, please be sure the file will print on our depart- ment printers (use ghostscript or gs to check this; if it displays the file properly, the file should print correctly). If your file is a postscript file, choose a name that ends in ".ps". If it is an ASCII file, please choose a name that ends in ".txt". If your file is a PDF file, choose a name that ends in ".pdf". For programs, turn in the source code and any related information (such as man pages and README files). Be sure that we can recompile it without errors by typing "make". You are free to use any programming language that is avail- able on the CSIF and that I can get to. C, C++ or assembly is acceptable. Any of the languages in the programming languages class is acceptable (assuming compilers and interpreters are available in the CSIF), and if you can write your programs in such a way that troff(1) or latex(1) can execute them, that's fine too. (Yes, someone once wrote a BASIC interpreter as a set of troff macros. It was very slow, but it worked.) But use lots of comments! Please turn in both your written exercises and programs electronically. Suppose you want to turn in the files and prog.c for homework 3. To do this, go to the directory containing both and type handin cs251r hw3 prog.c This program will submit your files to the ECS 251 grader. (A manual page for the handin program is attached.) You have to do this from the CSIF; handin does not work from other systems. Doing Written Exercises When you are asked to analyze something, or explain something, please be complete, and show your work (including any commands you give, and their output, to show how you did the problem). Otherwise, even if you get the right answer, you will get ZERO (that's 0, zip, nada, nothing) points. Think your answer through and do a rough draft. Students (and professionals, actually) often overlook this, but it is vital. Write clearly and cogently. If the question asks for an opinion, state your opinion clearly, justify it, and don't ramble. Answers that start, "My opinion is yes -" and conclude with " - on the other hand it could equally well be no" won't get much credit. I do not mind being asked for help; indeed, I welcome it because it helps me know what students are finding difficult or confusing, and sometimes a few words about the problem in class will clarify the assignment immensely. I do mind being asked for help before you have tried to think the problem through. The classic objectionable question (this really happened) occurred on a homework assignment in which the class was given a buggy program. The assign- ment said the program did not work, and the homework was to debug it and make it work. That particular class period discussed how to deal with bugs, and gave tips and techniques on how to debug programs. Within 10 minutes of the end of the class during which the assignment was given out, the instructor got this request for help: "The pro- gram doesn't run. What do I do now?" So, before asking for help, please be sure that you have thought about the problem, read all relevant handouts and material in the text, and news articles (because your question may be answered there), and tried everything you could think of to solve the problem. When you come to me, or send me a note, asking for help, please show me whatever you have done to solve the prob- lem, because the first question I will ask you is "What have you tried?" This isn't because I think you're wasting my time. It's because understanding how you have tried to solve the problem will help me figure out exactly what your difficulty is and what I can do to help you. Remember, I will do everything I can to avoid solving the problem for you. When I give you help, my goal is to help you solve the problem yourself. Late Homework As this is a graduate class, I expect that each of you can keep charge of your own time, and get assignments in on time. But as you are taking other classes too (right?) I recognize sometimes this is not reasonable. I will not penalize you for late assignments, but I reserve the right to change this policy if the class abuses it! So please get work in on time (or as close to "on time" as is possible). Grade Appeals If you feel that there is an error in grading, please come see me and I'll look over it (and possibly talk with you about it). However, don't dally; any such request must be made within one week of when the grades were made available. After that, I won't change your grade. NAME handin - file submission program SYNOPSIS /usr/pkg/bin/handin touser [ subdirectory [ files ... ] ] DESCRIPTION handin provides a secure means of submitting files to another user, recounting what has already been submitted, and listing what subdirectories exist for containing submissions. USAGE Submitting files With touser, subdirectory and files all specified, each file is copied to ~touser/handin/subdirectory/fromuser, named with the original file's basename(1), and made owned by touser. The directory fromuser is made if it doesn't already exist and is named after the invoking user. Each file specified should have a basename(1) unique among any files already submitted by that user to subdirectory, unless overwriting is desired. Recounting submissions Without files specified, information on previous submissions by the user to the specified subdirectory is shown. Listing existing subdirectories Run with only touser specified, handin just lists the existing subdirectories (regardless of accessability). EXAMPLES The following examples illustrate the use as a homework submission facility to the pseudo-user ``cs101'' created for this purpose: example1% handin cs101 Existing subdirectories (comments in parentheses): Asn1 (Due Mar 18) Asn2 (Due Mar 25) example2% handin cs101 Asn1 part1 part2 Submitting part1... ok Submitting part2... ok example3% handin cs101 Asn1 The following input files have been received: Thu Mar 17 14:50:49 1994 1599 bytes part1 Thu Mar 17 14:50:49 1994 3412 bytes part2 SEE ALSO rcvhandin(8) DIAGNOSTICS handin itself provides only a little of the diagnostic information that's given and returns the number of errors en- countered as its exit status. Any other information comes from rcvhandin(8). Skipping file: file non-existant or irregular The named file didn't exist or was probably a directory. The user should check to make sure that the file they spec- ified was indeed the file they intended to submit. Skipping file: file not readable The named file was not readable by the user. Submitting file... failed [: reason ] The named file was not successfully submitted. If at all possible a reason is provided by rcvhandin(8). Submitting file... ok The named file was successfully submitted. NOTES handin is really just a front-end to the rcvhandin(8) program. The primary function of handin is to open the named files with the effective user ID of the invoking user and pass on their contents to the rcvhandin(8) program having the effective user ID of touser. This design provides a simple and portable means for implementing a file submission facility in even a non-homogeneous, network-file-system environment. AUTHOR Lou Langholtz, Department of Computer Science, University of Utah, 1994