Outline for April 30, 1997

  1. Greetings and Felicitations
  2. Kerberos
    1. Needham-Schroeder secret-key protocol
    2. Denning-Sacco augmentation
    3. Kerberos implementation
  3. X.509 Authentication Model
    1. Token format and flaw
    2. One-way handshake
    3. Two-way handshake
    4. Three-way handshake
  4. Internet Certificate-Based Key Management Protocol

The Kerberos and X.509 Protocols

These authentication protocols are described in documents in Powerpoint 4.0 format, Postscript format, or plain ASCII text format.

Notes by Fritz Barnes: [PS] [TXT]
You can get this document in Postscript, ASCII text, or Framemaker version 5.1.
Send email to cs253@csif.cs.ucdavis.edu.

Department of Computer Science
University of California at Davis
Davis, CA 95616-8562

Page last modified on 6/4/97