Homework #1

UC Davis Students: Due April 14, 1997 at 11:59PM
NTU Students: Due April 21, 1997 at 11:59PM

  1. (40 points) The entropy function H(p1, ..., pn) must satisfy several properties, including the following (for which we assume p1 + ... + pn = 1):
    1. H(p1, ..., pn) is a maximum when p1 = ... = pn = 1/n.
    2. For any permutation ¼ (Greek letter pi) on (1, 2, ..., n), H(p1, ..., pn) = H(p¼(1), ..., p¼(n)). In other words, H must be a symmetric function of the arguments p1, ..., pn.
    3. H(p1, ..., pn) >= 0 and equals 0 only when one of the pi = 1.
    4. H(p1, ..., pn, 0) = H(p1, ..., pn).
    5. If m and n are positive integers, then
    6. Let p = p1 + ... + pm and q = q1 + ... + qn, where each pi and qj are non-negative; then, if p and q are positive, with p + q = 1, we must have
    Please prove that the function (where the sum is over those k for which pk > 0) meets these conditions.

  2. (20 points)Let X be an integer variable represented with 32 bits. Suppose that the probability is 1/2 that X lies in the range [0, 28-1] with all such values being equally likely, and 1/2 that X lies in the range [28, 232-1], with all such values being equally likely. Please compute H(X).

  3. (10 points)Consider the following ciphertests:

    Which of these ciphertexts could result from enciphering five-letter words of English using:
    1. A substitution cipher, where each letter is replaced with some other letter, but the letters are not necessarily shifted as in the Caesar cipher (thus A could be replaced with X, B with U, etc.)?
    2. Any transposition cipher?

  4. (10 points) Let n be a composite number. Please show there are integers x and y such that xy mod n = 0, but neither x nor y is 0 mod n. (This proves the cancellation law does not hold over the integers mod n with multiplication.)

  5. (40 points) The following was enciphered with a Vigènere cipher. Please break it.

  6. (20 points) Please determine the unicity distance of ciphers based on the affine transformation
    f(x) = (ax + b) mod 26
    assuming the keys a and b both generate complete sets of residues and that all such keys are equally likely.

  7. (10 points) The ciphertext TKCXJ YMRES ATKMZ came from a message enciphered using the Playfair cipher with the following key:
    I E N S B
    R Y T O K
    C P G A H
    D F L M Q
    U V W X Z

    Please decipher the ciphertext.

  8. (20 points) If you are given two Playfair ciphers P1 and P2 which are applied one after the other to a string of text T, i.e., P2(P1(T)), do you have a cipher which is more secure than using only P1 or only P2?

  9. (10 points) Please compute the following:
    1. 212334565789 mod 4;
    2. 6512 mod 15

  10. (15 points) Solve the following problems for x in the range [0, n-1]:
    1. 1234x mod 10001 = 1
    2. 23x mod 57 = 1
    3. 17x mod 100 = 10.

  11. (5 points) Find all solutions to the equation 15x mod 25 = 10 in the range [0, 24].

Extra Credit

  1. Given the additional requirement that H(p1, ..., pn) is a continuous function of its arguments, prove that the only function meeting all these requirements is with l any positive constant and where the sum is over those k for which pk > 0.

  2. Write a program to break a Caesar cipher automatically, assuming the plaintext is English. You may use any reasonable model of English (either single letter counts, n-gram counts, or a Markov model).

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Send email to cs253@csif.cs.ucdavis.edu.

Department of Computer Science
University of California at Davis
Davis, CA 95616-8562

Page last modified on 4/8/97