Outline for January 12, 1999
- Measures of strength
- unconditionally secure (theoretically unbreakable)
- conditionally secure (unbreakable in practise);
note environment often affects this
- weak (breakable)
- Quote for the Day
- How to measure strength: Entropy
- Given C, how much uncertainty in M?
- attacker wants 0
- sender wants lg(n), n = length of message
- Requirements for function
H(p1, ..., pn);
explain these
- Review probability notation; assume
p1 + ... + pn = 1.
- H(p1, ..., pn) max when
p1 = ... = pn = 1/n.
For permutation pi of (1, ..., n),
H(ppi(1), ..., ppi(n)) =
H(p1, ..., pn).
- H(p1, ..., pn) >= 0;
it is 0 if all pi are 0 except for one, which is 1
H(p1, ..., pn, 0) =
H(p1, ..., pn)
H(1/n, ..., 1/n) <=
H(1/(n+1), ..., 1/(n+1))
H(1/mn, ..., 1/mn) = H(1/n, ..., 1/n) + H(1/m, ..., 1/m)
H continuous for its arguments [mention if time]
p = SUM pi,
q = SUM qi,
p > q, p > 0, q > 0,
p + q = 1 implies
H(p1, ..., pm,
q1, ..., qn) =
H(p, q) +
H(p1/p, ..., pm/p) +
H(q1/q, ..., qn/q)
/q) [mention if time]
Only function which does this is
H(p1, ..., pm) =
-lambda SUMk pk lg(pk)
- Examples
- rate for message of length n is
r = H(X)/n; for English, 1 to 1.5
- absolute rate: assume all chars are equally likely;
assuming L chars, R = lg L; for English, 4.7
- redundency D = R - r; for English, 3.2 to 3.7
- Equivocation
- Given some info, how much uncertainty is left
- Ex: 8 bit integer, => H(X) = 8; parity bit 0 =>
H(X|Y) = 7 (work it out)
H(X|Y) = - SUMX,Y
p(X,Y) lg(p(X|Y))
As p(X,Y) = p(X|Y)p(Y),
H(X|Y) = - SUMY
p(X|Y) lg(p(X|Y))
[joint probability]
- More examples
Throw die, flip coin;
p(X=3, Y=H) = 1/12 =
p(X=3)p(Y=H) [independence]
Toss coin; if heads, 3-sided die; if tails, 6-sided die.
Prob. result is 3?
p(Y=H, X=3) =
p(X=3|Y=H)p(Y=H) etc.
like b, but prob. result is 4:
p(Y=H, X=4) =
p(X=4|Y=H)p(Y=H) etc.
- Uncertainty in above
- H(X|Y) = lg 6 =
[independence; as p(X|Y) = p(X) and
SUMY p(Y) = 1]
H(X|Y) = (1/2)[lg 3 + lg 6] =
(1/2) lg 18
- Perfect Secrecy
H(M|C) = H(M) or
p(M|C) = p(M)
H(C|M) = H(C) or
p(C|M) = p(C) [same thing]
- Unicity distance
- given C, what is uncertainty in K?
- KHOOR ZRUOG; unicity distance is 0 (K = 23)
- J; uncertainty is 1 as it's K=25 (I)
or K=9 (A)
- Smallest N for which H(K|C) is approximately
is amount of ciphertext needed to uniquely determine key
"unconditionally secure" if no such N exists
Can show: N = H(K)/D =>
H(K) - DN = 0
if number of keys = number of meaningful messages, H(K) =
RN, so
H(K) - DN = RN - DN =
(R - D)N = rN > 0
- Random cipher
- For a given K, C, DK(C)
equally likey to produce any (meaningless or meaningful) message
- Transposition ciphers
- Show rail-fence cipher as example
- Show anagramming
- Simple substitution ciphers
- Do Cæsar cipher
- Go through how to break it
- Present Vigenère tableau
- Discuss breaking it (Kasiski method).
Note index of coincidence is probability 2
letters chosen at random from ciphertext are alike
- Generalize to very long keys and show running key and autokey
- Go through rotor systems (Enigma)
- Go through one-time pads
- Polygram substitution cipher: Playfair
- Key is 5 by 5 grid
- If
m1, m2
in same row,
c1, c2
are to immediate right of
m1, m2
- If
m1, m2
in same column,
c1, c2
are below
m1, m2
- If
m1 = m2,
insert null in text
- if
m1, m2
in different rows and columns,
c1, c2
form rectangle with
c1 in m1's row and
c2 in m2's row
- if odd number of characters in message, append null.
"Without harmony in the state, no military expedition can be
undertaken; without harmony in the army, no battle array can be
-- Sun Tzu, The Art of War, (Translated by James Clavell), Dell
Publishing, New York, NY 10036 (1983).
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Page last modified on 1/15/99