Outline for January 26, 1999

  1. Greetings and felicitations!
    1. Please get your project proposals in as soon as possible, so you can get started
  2. Bell-LaPadula Model
    1. Go through security levels, categories, compartments
    2. Describe simple security property (no reads up) and *-property (no writes down)
    3. State Basic Security Theorem: if it's secure and transformations follow these rules, it's still secure
    4. Add in discretionary security policy
  3. BLP: formally
    1. Elements of system: si subjects, oi objects,
    2. State space V = BxMxF where:
      B set of current accesses (i.e., access modes each subject has currently to each object);
      M access permission matrix;
      F consists of 3 functions: fs is security level associated with each subject, fo security level associated with each object, and fc current security level for each subject
    3. Set of requests is R
    4. Set of decisions is D
    5. W SUBSETEQ RxDxVxV is motion from one state to another.
    6. System [[Sigma]](R, D, W, z0) SUBSETEQ XxYxZ such that (x, y, z) IN [[Sigma]](R, D, W, z0) iff (xt, yt, zt, zt-1) IN W for each i IN T; latter is an action of system
    7. Theorem: [[Sigma]](R, D, W, z0) satisfies the simple security property for any initial state z0 that satisfies the simple security property iff W satisfies the following conditions for each action (Ri, Di, (b', M', f'), (b, M, f)):
      1. each (s, o, x) IN b' - b satisfies the simple security condition relative to f' (i.e., x is not read, or x is read and fs(s) dominates fo(o)
      2. if (s, o, x) IN b does not satisfy the simple security condition relative to f', then (s, o, x) NOTIN b'
      3. Theorem: [[Sigma]](R, D, W, z0) satisfies the *-property relative to S' SUBSETEQ S, for any initial state z0 that satisfies the *-property relative to S' iff W satisfies the following conditions for each action (Ri, Di, (b', M', f'), (b, M, f)):
        • for each s IN S', any (s, o, x) IN b' - b satisfies the *-property with respect to f'
        • for each s IN S', if (s, o, x) IN b does not satisfy the *-property with respect to f', then (s, o, x) NOTIN b'
      4. Theorem: [[Sigma]](R, D, W, z0) satisfies the ds-property iff the initial state z0 satisfies the ds-property and W satisfies the following conditions for each action (Ri, Di, (b', M', f'), (b, M, f)):
        • if (sk, oi, x) IN b' - b, then x IN M'[k, i];
        • if (sk, oi, x) IN b and x IN M'[k, i] then (sk, oi, x) IN b'
      5. Basic Security Theorem: A system [[Sigma]](R, D, W, z0) is secure iff z0 is a secure state and W satisfies the conditions of the above three theorems for each action.
    8. Biba
      1. Integrity levels and trust
      2. No reads down
      3. No writes up

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    Send email to cs253@csif.cs.ucdavis.edu. Department of Computer Science
    University of California at Davis
    Davis, CA 95616-8562

    Page last modified on 3/19/99