Outline for January 21, 1999 1. Greetings and felicitations! a. Please get your project proposals in as soon as possible, so you can get started b. Hand out new homework; point out #6 and review rules of attacking lassen over the network 2. Take-Grant a. Show bridges (as a combination of terminal and initial spans) b. Show islands (maximal subject-only tg-connected subgraphs) c. canÖshare(r, x, y, G0) iff there is an edge from x to y labelled r in G0, or all of the following hold: (1) there is a vertex y'' with an edge from y' to y labelled r; (2) there is a subject y' which terminally spans to y'', or y' = y''; (3) there is a subject x' which initially spans to x, or x' = x; and (4) there is a sequence of islands I1, ..., In connected by bridges for which x' is in I1 and y' is in In . d. Describe canÖsteal; don't state theorem 3. Lattice models a. poset, the relation b. highest and lowest c. Set of classes SC is a partially ordered set under relation with GLB (greatest lower bound), LUB (least upper bound) operators d. Note: is reflexive, transitive, antisymmetric e. Examples: (A, C) (A', C') iff A A' and C is a subset of C'; LUB((A, C), (A', C')) = (max(A, A'), (C, C')), GLB((A, C), (A', C')) = (min(A, A'), ¥(C, C')) 4. Decidability vs. Undecidability a. Notion of type; subject, object types b. SPM: types fixed at creation c. tickets: X/r (apply right r to entity X), X/r:c (c copy flag, so can give right away) d. link predicate: X possesses tickets in set dom(X). Then link(X, Y) = rights over X and Y ? dom(X) and dom(Y), and true; basically, everything connecting X and Y e. copying X/r:c from dom(X) to dom(Z): needs X/rc ? dom(X), link(X, Z), and t(X)/r:c ? f(t(X), t(Z)), f filter function f. Do TG example pp. 82-83 g. create: can-create (cc) relation says that subject of type a can create entities of type b iff cc(a, b) holds h. create rule: crp(a, b) = set of tickets added to dom(A), crc(a, b) = set of tickets added to dom(B) i. attenuation: cr(a, b) = crp(a,b)|crc(a, b) is attenuating if: (1) crc(a, b) ¼ crp(a, b) and a/r:c ? crp(a, b) ? self/r:c ? crp(a, b) j. cyclic: cc(a, b) ? cc(b, a) k. if attenuating acyclic, it's decidable; so that is sufficient. Open question: is it necessary?