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Please give an example of a situation in which hiding information does not add apprecia@?bly to the security of a system. Give an example when it does. x J( 20 points ; text, exercise 2.5) Let  c  be a copy flag and let a computer system have the set of rights {  r ,  w ,  x ,  a ,  l ,  m ,  @ o  }. #; Using the syntax in class (and in section 2.3 of the text), write a command  copy_all_rights ( p ,  q ,  s ) that cop@Eies all rights that  p  has over  s  to  q .  fModify your command so only those rights with an associated copy flag are copied. The new copy should  @not  have the copy flag. 4ƪ`J( 40 points ; text, exercise 3.1) Prove or give a counterexample: 5*Ҫ hThe predicate  can  share ( a ,  x ,  y ,  G 0 ) is true  if and only if there is an edge from  x  to  y  in  G 0  labelled  a , or if the UU@following hold simultaneously: 64 \ hVthere is a vertex  with an  s -to- y  edge labelled  a ; 7j`|there is a subject vertex  x  such that  x  =  x  or  x  initially spans to  x ; 8 j`there is a subject vertex  s  such that  s  =  s  or  s  terminally spans to  s ; and 9* Uthere is a sequence of subjects  x  =  x 1 , ,  x n  =  s  with  x i  and  x i +1  (1  i  <  n ) being connected by an edge UU$?@Alabelled  t , an edge labelled  g , or a bridge. 6? }( 20 points ; text, exercise 4.5) Classify each of the following as examples of mandatory, discretionary, or originaB?@Htor controlled policies, or a combination. Please justify your answers. 1`AThe file access control mechanisms of the UNIX operating system. 2`QA system in which no memorandum can be distributed without the authors consent. 3`?A facility in which only generals can enter a particular room. a< oA universitys registrar office, in which faculty can see grades of a particular student provided that student @has given written permission. HHˆ;6HHˆ66 laL42q>x!aL42qaL42qje4'@in[char[(*W"Bold"W*)s],indexes[0,1,char[G],num[0.00000000,"0"]]] d;;<@H$ ;<;>H$ == l H$ ;=;H$ <Wh6April 10, 2001ECS 253 Spring 2001Page 1  HUV ;>;<@HUV ?? l HUV ;?;HUV >Wh@Last modified at  10:01 pm on Tuesday, April 17, 2001  HHˆ;@;>HHˆAA l HHˆ;A;HHˆ@W` }?H =xD1C?H FFW-a }H =zDBH FFW.a d=~EEd=DdFF l d=DdRCERUX[^adgjmpsvy| %).1dLeftd;Rightd ReferenceddHTMLdDHTMLd Headings@@ `Mapping Table Title. @@ `Body.  f@P`TitleBody. f@E ` Numbered1.\tNumbered. @@ `Footer. f@T ` TableTitleT:Table : . f@ `. 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