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FFW,e HUV ;.HUV 3Ge HUV ;05+HUV 22l H$ ;1H$ 5Ge H$ ;33H$ 44l HHˆ;4HHˆ7 ` Homework 5 G `Due Date : June 6, 2001 :`Points : 100 H` ! ~( 30 points ; text, exercise 18.7) Please discuss controls that would prevent Dennis Ritchies bacterium (see section @H18.5.1) from absorbing all system resources and causing a system crash. l w( 40 points ; text, exercise 18.12) Assume the Clark-Wilson model is implemented on a computer system. Could a 0xlcomputer virus that scrambled constrained data items be introduced into the system? Why or why not? Specifircally, if not, identify the precise control that would prevent it from being intorduced, and say why it would prewvent the virus from being introduced; if yes, identify the specific control or controls that allow it to be introduced @&and say why they fail to keep it out.  v( 30 points ; text, exercise 19.6) An attacker breaks into a web server using a Windows 2000 based system. He poconcludes that, because of the ease with which he broke in, that Windows 2000 is an operating system with very @opoor security features. Based only on the results of the attack, is his conclusion reasonable? Why or why not? HHˆ;6HHˆ66 l}?H @Mz!9?H {GW3e- }H @Oz8H {GW4e }? @QDKG? FHW5e d;;<@H$ ;<;>H$ == l H$ ;=;H$ <Wl4May 31, 2001ECS 253 Spring 2001Page 1  HUV ;>;<@HUV ?? l HUV ;?;HUV >Wl?Last modified at  11:30 am on Thursday, May 31, 2001  HHˆ;@;>HHˆAA l HHˆ;A;HHˆ@W` }?H =xD1C?H FFW-e¢ }H =zDBOH FFW.a d=~EEd=Dd|FF l d=Dd $eHE$e`[vCFILORUwtX[^adgjmpsy| %).1OLI:!}?H @SD:H?H FHW6e-- }H @UDGH FHW7e }? @WDNJ? FIW8e }?H @YDIK?H FIW9e° }H @[DJ:H FIW;e }? @]DQM? FJW<e }?H @_DLN?H FJW=e® }H @aDMIH FJW>e }? @cDCP? 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