Outline for May 10, 2006

Reading: text, §16.2.1—

  1. Greetings and felicitations!
    1. Seminar: Secure Information Flow and Access Control in a Java-like Language, by Prof. Anindya Banerjee, Kansas State University; room 1131 Kemper, today, from 1:30PM—2:30PM
  2. Confinement flow model
  3. Transitive nonlattice policies
    1. Quasi-ordered sets
  4. Nontransitive policies
    1. Dual mappings
    2. Theorem: a dual mapping from a reflexive information flow policy into an ordered set is order-preserving
  5. Compiler-based flow mechanisms
    1. Scalar declarations
    2. Array declarations
    3. Assignment statements
    4. Compound statements
    5. Conditional statements
    6. Iteratve statements
    7. Goto statements

Version of May 10, 2006 at 12:30 PM

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