Outline for September 26, 2019

Reading: § 1
Due: Homework 1, due on October 10 at 11:59pm

  1. About the class
    1. Instructor
    2. Class web site, handouts
    3. Canvas and submitting homework
    4. Homework, grading, and extra credit
  2. Python
    1. What is Python?
    2. Why Python for this class?
    3. Compilers, assemblers, interpreters
  3. Python, files and shells
    1. Python: programming language that you use to tell the computer what to do
    2. Shell: what you can type Python statements directly into, to see what they do
    3. IDLE: the program that interprets Python statements (executes the Python program)
    4. File: type Python statements into this, and then have IDLE execute those statements by running the program in the file
  4. First program: hello, world [hello0.py]
    1. Explain printing
    2. Demonstrate program in IDLE
  5. How to write a program; example is making change [change-write.py]
    1. Goal and general algorithm idea
    2. Representing data and basic program structure
    3. Translating this into a programming-like language
    4. Translating that into Python
    5. Defensive programming and debugging

UC Davis sigil
Matt Bishop
Office: 2209 Watershed Sciences
Phone: +1 (530) 752-8060
Email: mabishop@ucdavis.edu
MHI 289I, Programming in Health Informatics
Version of September 29, 2019 at 12:25AM

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